Find hotspots and seasonal clusters first, only of which have occurred in the last 10 to 15 years max via me.
Get a team together of 4-6 people that are real tight and are prepared to do round the clock 8 hour stints in a specific area at a specific time of year.
Costs will be low where Mr Gates is concerned.
$5k each to each team member per month wages to feed their family whilst their away, field equipment which doesn't need to be overly excessive, base camp within 2 miles in pre determined location.
Human bait in a tent just going about their business is used at the same place every single night throughout the summer, a sniper in a tree is positioned in a safe position with an unobstructed shot as far away as possible and as high up as possible.
No cameras at all.
It will be in the Southern Cascades of WA State.