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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/09/2015 in all areas

  1. I'd agree with your suggestion that things are relatively less bright where you are. Otherwise ... other places .... it depends on what the tent is made of, how translucent the material is, and how close the hand is to the material. MIB
    6 points
  2. 2 points
  3. You are saying he had no light on his tent, and the moonlight was bright enough to see a shadow of a hand on the top of his tent? Was he in the woods? or out in an open field? How distinct would a shadow be on a tent only lit by moonlight? Still not buying it.
    2 points
  4. No, not factual at all. It's only opinion. We do not have fossil evidence for either and we can't even make the claim of what they're factually LIKE. We can only guess what it is or what it's like- because we don't really know. Those guesses do not translate into facts. We do not know anything about real Bigfoot anatomy. You're only assuming by the descriptions that it's some kind of great ape or relation. People have reported that Aliens look like humans and have made hybrid offspring with humans. According to their descriptions they could also claim a connection to the fossil record, being LIKE humans. There's nothing factual about any of that either. You could scoff at the Alien field all you like, but it's full of real people claiming they have real evidence just like we see here. If you think connecting the dots from Bigfoot or Yeti or any cryptid hominid to the fossil record of extinct hominids is on PAR with claiming fossil evidence of Alien hybrids? I cannot help you, this is silly. When you have proof of Aliens at some point in Earth's history? Like we do with upright bipedal homonids? Get back to us!
    2 points
  5. Mean elevation Michigan 900ft., Montana 3400ft. and Wyoming 6700ft. Maybe? Of course it depends on weather, stage of the moon, state of narcolepsy of the decider, hand silhouette vectoring and lots of other arcane variables on the denialist slide rule du jour.
    1 point
  6. Going to Michigan, are ya?
    1 point
  7. And some ride their bicycle over to the dark side. Hi C-man!
    1 point
  8. I agree there is no "smoking gun" identical match, but the fossil record is full of ape-like hominids, and there is also Gigantopithecus Blacki. My problem with the known fossils are that none that could be a match have the large feet, but then some are merely partial remains, we don't exactly know all about them. I leave the door open there.
    1 point
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