This is pointed at me obviously, but unfortunately it makes no sense.You can make fun of me for not having a physical encounter and you can think Im a greedy evil person for shooting one if I ever do have an encounter. Your entitled to your opinion, so be it.
But unfortunately for you and I and every other proponent? Ketchum's failure had nothing to do with human greed and everything to do with human incompetence. And it doesnt help her cause that on top of her incompetence she seems to be involved in some way in the matilda hoax. And she is also now a proponent in Dogmen and Alien Hybrids (south american skull enlongations).
Its not science that she is doing, it must be either fame recognition that drives her as DNA studies on farm animals must have become tedious and boring OR she has always held a fascination for fringe science and has now decided to indulge her self completely......
I just want the truth.
I think her study could have gone differently for sure, especially if she hadn't needed nuclear DNA to start with. Better study of the hair morphology could have eliminated bear samples up front.
I sure thought that a mixture of genomes would assemble themselves separately in next generation technology, but apparently that's not the case.
She took in hundreds of samples from across this community, but absolutely no nonhuman ape DNA arose from it in the mitochondrial, maternal lineages.
That's what should concern you, that all those serious enough to look for samples, has already failed to find your patty.
The nuclear DNA persuit started at the Y chromosome and had many failures, with some potentially attributed to drastic differences in the genome leading to failure of the primers. That's why the whole nuclear genomes were done and the scant availability of viable samples containing nuDna forced poor choices in sample selection.
Its drastically different because its human contaminated Bear hair, Raccoon hair, whatever. What she is proposing is impossible within evolution. And either its over her pay grade to understand or she is ignoring it to become famous. Hoping that she could float the boat in the lime light for as long as possible.Think on this, if her crummy paper was trying to classify a new species of tree frog? None of us would have ever heard of her.
Chimps are 98% human genetically, so the DNA , if from a bigfoot will be closer than that with all their human like physical form. Ketchum could be easily right, without the proof. Not that bigfoot is a man bear, but that they are a wildman, as she proposed they are.
Ain't it funny how easily you forget that?