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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/07/2016 in all areas

  1. I'd thought I'd put my two cents worth here. In my opinion a Researcher is a person seeking evidence or an answer to an ongoing mystery while at the same time realizing he or she could turn out in the end to be totally wrong. In other words what they are seeking an answer to could turn out to be, mythology and folklore. I personally don't think that, as far as the Sasquatch question go's, but I accept the possibility that it may be so. If one does research with a closed mind one way or the other then that person is more of a advocate, rather than a true researcher. Like a religious leader trying to push a faith, rather than someone seeking an answer to a ongoing mystery. Thomas Steenburg
    2 points
  2. It is registered in her name. But how is this relevant? Your just attempting to muddy the waters again. How the Hobbit was presented to science was the right way. How Ketchum's paper was presented to science was the wrong way. End of story.
    1 point
  3. Perhaps the fact that we have living breathing chimps negates the need for fossils to prove they exist, thus no leg pulling needed.....just saying. On a side note, I always fill my tires with helium so that when filled with 35lbs they weigh much less, easier on the back that way
    1 point
  4. All those reports and yet no proof. Perhaps it is the reports that should be found lacking.
    1 point
  5. The ABC story link says Nature magazine? The story is coming from researchers on Flores Island. And I have no reason to doubt it. How is it that you believe Melba Ketchum that publishes her own paper from her own website? But not ABC news about this story? It doesnt make any sense!
    1 point
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