If you say you're an ape - I'm not going to argue that.
But I'm not.
I have lived in a jungle - time between hot showers would be 6 months. After returning to civilization, couldn't sleep inside any structure, and would still sleep on the ground outside at night for a couple more months, gradually adjusting back. And sorry, I didn't take on the appearance of an ape. Surely if hogs can alter their appearance significantly in a couple months, I could have changed in six. But I didn't.
Well, my hair was longer, my skin was darker, mosquitoes would no longer bite me even as they buzzed around me, I could smell, detect, and track upwind humans from 3/4 mile away due entirely to their different diet. But it was still me.
I got sideways with some of the monkeys there, as they were very territorial, and I've been run out of some of their territorial areas since they took extreme exception to my presence.
If I had said I looked into they eyes of some, and "detected" some complex thoughts - what would your response be to me? Would I get the benefit of doubt, or would a tendency to disagree for the purpose of disagreeing be your response?
Would you suggest I was "reaching?"