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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/01/2016 in all areas

  1. Easy: Confirmation bias (ie the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses, while giving disproportionately less consideration to alternative possibilities). As seen on Finding Bigfoot every episode... Can we see your picture of Bigfoot?
    2 points
  2. Confirmation bias? So I am not qualified to differentiate what I experienced but you want to see my picture? It must be a rock throwing bear that leaves human shaped 20 inch footprints that knows how to generate infrasound too?
    1 point
  3. Norse the "bomb program" existed as math and physics. The nuts and bolts of it didn't begin until the Manhattan Project and they were as often as not in uncharted territory. Now by master bigfoot cinematographer Roger Patterson's estimation we'd have bigfoot in the bag within 10 years of his film. How do you think that's all working out time wise? No. The Germans begin working on the nuts and bolts of it in 38. Hungarian physicists had to convince the US government it was even a reality. Its a bad analogy.... Roger Patterson claimed that in 10 years we would have a Sasquatch in the BAG!? Who is doing the bagging???? Certainly not Roger..... A game bag requires a bullet, and trust you me.....being pro kill is akin to leprosy. Roger had his shot, and he shot film. In the Bag as in confirmation as in success. We've got it in the bag is often referring to success in a given matter. You know that or perhaps you don't? The German atomic bomb project was in a conventional two story house such was it's scale. They never even came close to a bomb, they were entirely on the worng track. We didn't need what the German's did, we didn't have access to what they did during the war anyway. You are wrong about what we needed from the German's and the moon landing resulted (von Braun, Saturn IVB to V) as a consequence, friend. Jet aircraft aside of course. As to your knowledge of contemporary Sasquatch and what it might be and what might be evidence, I might say you are on a parallel track of obfuscation.
    1 point
  4. Of course you don't, we all knew that before you wrote it.
    1 point
  5. Crow . What does the Manhattan project and the Germans have to do with the title of this thread other than you are doing your usual trolling and arguing about everything, even the off topic stuff?.
    1 point
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