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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/01/2016 in all areas

  1. Those items you listed may be "far more likely" but doesn't mean definite. If I were you I'd pick one and use the word "definitely". Otherwise what WVFooter said stands.He was there and he wasn't the only one. Your list would have to apply to both during the entire mile they walked out. These are seasoned woods guys who have showed images their cameras have captured of large Black Bears in one would think that they would know the difference in the sounds they described. It's all about the SOUNDS they described after all. That's physical/audible- not mental. Even if it was a bear stopping when they stopped is highly unlikely. Think about that for a moment. Now I don't expect you to know these guys after only 41 posts (welcome to the Forum BTW!) but most of us here do. They don't pull legs.
    1 point
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