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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/31/2016 in all areas

  1. The network the show was on was history channel. I was just clicking through and found it mid program. The Neanderthal segment got my attention. I was taught in school that they were brutish cannibals that ate their own dead so ritualistic burial was certainly different. But like I said, much of what I was taught in college has been found to be wrong. It seemed to relate a lot to this thread. I cannot source the BF grieving witness account as I have so many books and frequent the BFRO database also. Just another of those anecdotal stories no one believes anyway. I thought it interesting that the suspected BF grave I found, if the bird like rock stack meant anything, was laid out with the feet facing East. Humans have been burying their dead with the feet towards the rising sun for a long time. Just assembling the bird like rock stack, there is no way it was natural because of how it was delicately balanced, indicates ritual burial to me. One word of caution that I am surprised the skeptics have not already brought up. We have had a series of serial killers in the Pacific Northwest. Their favorite place for body disposal is the woods. Ted Bundy and Robert Yates killed dozens of woman and disposed of their bodies in the woods. Most of the victims would never have been found without the killers aid in finding the locations. Many dozens have never been found. I would suspect that professional killers employed by the criminal element would use the woods also. I wonder how many hunters have shot another, and rather than face justice just buried the evidence against them. And certainly old graves might more likely be Native Americans. Just as with BF, bodies are easy to disappear in the wet, acidic soil, of the PNW. But my point is finding a grave does not necessarily mean a BF is in there.
    1 point
  2. I agree with much of Xion C's second paragraph. I would bet there are more pictures of BF in drawers and boxes being held back by people that do not want the publicity that have been released. Probably less video since that format has been around a much shorter time. The P/G film has been both a blessing and a curse in showing what could be with modern HD video and a curse in that it shows what can happen to the photographers of any new photography. Some people want no part of what Patterson and Gimlin went through after releasing the film. Can you really blame them? What we see now are mostly products of young people looking for fame or successful hoax on Youtube with blurry cell phone video, much of which is outright hoax. The stuff that could be authentic is such poor quality that most seeing it, throw up their hands with "I cannot see enough to tell". Even good quality stuff like the Canadian IMax footage is a difficult read because it shows so little. One pet peeve of mine is BF researchers running around poorly equipped or not equipped with good quality cameras. I have even heard arguments from Forum members that cell phone pictures should be good enough. They are not if the opportunity of your lifetime walks across the trail in front of you. And we have a large group that have shunned cameras altogether because of what I consider an unsupported myth: that BF will never show itself if you even have a camera. I wonder how many opportunities for good photographs and video have been lost because of that?. OK I understand that people have different goals out in the woods. But don't expect much belief even from proponents or any from skeptics if you have a 5 minute encounter with an unaware BF and don't at least get a photo. A BF that blunders into you or that is completely unaware that you are watching, is a prime opportunity for someone equipped with a suitable camera. Getting off my soapbox now.
    1 point
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-azUazmLAoM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpjiWs2dNDU It's my understand that all of it was quite real, every clip they showed and the project itself, and that there were significantly better and longer clips in that one project even at that time. Over time there have been many more clips accumulated by some people involved but those aren't necessarily a part of the "Erickson Project" at all, it is still very much so alive and there is talk of just pushing it all out to the public out of frustration. They are running into the hard fact that video is worthless, the better it is the better the supposed hoax is the conclusion people jump to. Add onto that the problems that alot of the Bigfoot just look like a overgrown chewbacca in the first place and that people suck at analyzing things in general and you realize the whole thing isn't really going to amount to much at all even if it does get dumped out. I have realized a odd point in the Bigfoot phenomena, there are tons of video of the Bigfoot floating around or being held in private, tons of evidence that just doesn't "go viral". God only knows how much of it is just floating around within the billions of videos on the net already. Skeptics ask why the Sasquatch are so rarely seen, why they aren't shot more often, why there aren't videos or pictures, and why there aren't hardly ever any other sorts of evidence popping up and the real answer is that it is all there actually, tons of it even. They get shot, evidence gets collected very regularly, they pop up on videos, and they get seen and heard all the time, people just aren't looking in the right places/recognizing what they see or even looking hard enough for the info.
    1 point
  4. True , by default a unknown blob is just an unknown blob and not a "Bigfoot" Incorrigble1. But the artiicle is discounting people with Docorates that are Professors in Universities. They have put there careers on the line in trying to prove that they exist with out trying to bring in a body. The three that he has mention I give alot of credit for what they are doing. They do go into the field and investigate and learn. That is science. They should not be discredit for all their work. No not at all. No one has an idea of what these things are cause if they did it be out by now. It's not so it is ok to deny their existance. I get it ! I guese it is back to silent mode. But I do want to say is that, this article should fire up people to search harder. Post more encounters as well so that we can understand the behavior of this creature.
    1 point
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