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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/04/2016 in all areas

  1. I'm going to be frank here. The reason you receive a lot of flak? Is because you make a lot of unsubstantiated claims. Add to that? You talk down to people because of your claimed vast military experience. Your on a Internet forum, we don't have access to your DD214...... And thus far you have shown us nothing in way of proof. If you were us? What would you believe? Added: When anything you say gets called into question? You become super defensive.
    2 points
  2. I would think that's quite an accomplishment. If I understand your words correctly - merely by being on this site a long time gives one an ethereal ability to discern truth out of narratives. How, exactly does that work? I know the CIA and others have tried all sorts of programs to intuit truth from limited information, from psychics, mind enhancing drugs, even from bizarre remote viewing programs, all with limited success. But here, as you claim, someone who is actually able hear a narrative, and then have the ability to have "seen them turn out to be nothing but big talk" is scientifically remarkable. I can tell you with certainty, if you developed this ability to make conclusive determinations merely by being here long enough, and transfer that time-in-grade factor to this level of infallibly, DARPA via the CIA will be most generous in funding your efforts. And probably buy this site. What is the determining mechanism? Is there a specific, mandatory, specific amount time to be here to obtain this ability, and does a transformation occur - maybe a physical change to mark your ability? Once obtained, does it come with a little badge or certificate? I mean, how are you so certain of this newly acquired infallibility? If a person shares a narrative, or a report, how do you process the information and at some point arrive at a provable conclusion - one way or the other? I find this fascinating.
    1 point
  3. Everybody's heard of Bigfoot by now. But imagine encountering one before you had ever even heard of them. In a way that was good, because I didn't have any preconceived popular impressions about them. To me; based on their appearance, behavior, and the way they interacted; they were big hairy aboriginal people. Not apes, any more than we are. They can be very frightening, but they also instill a sense of wonder. I'm convinced that they are a primitive people, but think about how smart and careful a race of primitive people has to be in order to avoid popular discovery.
    1 point
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