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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/08/2016 in all areas

  1. "Bite me!" <-- supposed to be ironic humor, not offense! ... but seriously, yes, the lack of civility is a serious hurdle to progress. There is something positive to be said about a politely skeptical contingent that brings up the questions and doubts that could otherwise be glossed over and ignored but really are important. The snarky, ridiculing scoftic cadre do not. Their purpose is not to improve the research but to derail it. They're fairly effective. On the other hand, by the forum guidelines, this is a discussion forum, not a research forum, so jackwagons that disrupt progress my irritate the membership but so long as they keep the keys clicking, they meet the management objective. MIB
    2 points
  2. Growth .. perhaps correct. Perhaps "orientation" of a sort. There's a difference between participation for personal curiosity and understanding vs participation for personal gain of one form or another. Gain could be monetary, gain could be fame, a need for oneupsmanship, or gain could even be restoring lost reputation or a need to "in your face" to those who've ridiculed you. Not everyone is truly honest with themselves about their motives. MIB
    1 point
  3. I'm not saying it - scientists are saying it. For you "scientific mode" folks - it's published. And it's generated a lot of interest from DARPA. The weaponization or alterations to diseases - lots of potential there. Gee. Ever seen a kid who's father was a really fine musician - and the kid wasn't interested. Turns 14, sits down to a piano and in two weeks is playing it like he's been doing it all his life - picks up a clarinet or guitar, or bass, and can play them all? Or a master mechanic's kid. Doesn't work with his dad, but at age 12, pulls and rebuilds a rear end, and is a natural mechanic? And we'd wonder how he picked it up so fast - even though his dad didn't teach him squat? Well. Proteins. It sure as Hades wasn't genetic. Kind of changes things.
    1 point
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