I doubt anyone will have a problem getting caught shooting a Bigfoot. Long as you didn't shoot it from a long distance in the back of the head and get caught. However, if you got caught killing one in self defense, exactly how would you be convicted of anything? It would be thrown out of court so fast it probably would never even make it to court. They will take one look at this thing, and anyone would see that it's him or you. I mean come on, a huge upwards to no telling how tall, 15' as reported, monster that probably still has meat stuck all in it's teeth from it's last kill. Yea no problem here, they'll just put a gag order on you and end of story. As far as killing one with a weapon, easy enough if that's what you want to do. I have no problem with those that wants to supply a body. But I don't personally and never would go out to kill one even though I'm well armed when I do go out. It's never even crossed my mind to purposely go and try to shoot one. However again, I don't care, and if one tried to attack me and I have the chance, yea buddy, I'm unloading everything I have. I don't flaunt the weapons, I just keep them hid. Besides Bigfoot, I just don't want hikers and others seeing someone carrying around large bore weapons.. A well placed shot, easily done. It's just an animal, nothing magical. If you can bring down one of the most tough animals in the world with a gun, Cape Buffalo, I see no problem with Bigfoot going down twice as fast.
As far as touching one, I'm pretty serious field researcher, and I would never personally touch a dead one or probably get near enough to even touch it if I wanted to. I'll leave that for the people in the hazmat suits. An animal doesn't have to bite you to give you problems.