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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/31/2017 in all areas

  1. I thought this was interesting, and although it doesn't directly add to our knowledge of what BF might do with their dead, it was still impressive and informative. If a badger can bury a cow this well, I imagine one or more BF could bury another BF pretty darn effectively if it/they needed to. Linked article includes timelapse video of a badger burying a cow: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/mar/31/can-you-dig-it-badger-captured-on-camera-burying-cow From the accompanying article: Or, as someone else put it, "the cow was badgered, but the badger was not cowed."
    2 points
  2. Quote Shadowborn in part: "But then there was this fresh sweet smell that I smelt in this certain area .The fragrance was an odd smell that I have never smelt before and it was around the end of October or beginning part of November." Dad-blame-it SB, what was the source of that smell??? Of all the weird things things I've encountered at night when I knew BF were around, the source of this smell is an absolute mystery to me! It has bugged me for years. It sounds so outlandish that I seldom mention it. It seems that a very few of the researchers I've talked to and/or worked with have not even heard of this smell. I really should not even call it a "smell" because it is the most pleasant aroma I've ever encountered in the outdoors. (And that's saying something after having working in the Amazon Basin for ten years.) What you said about the time frame of encountering the sweet smell matches the times I have encountered them; always in early November during periods of prolonged droughts with no blooming plants of any kind for miles. The first time I detected the scent I was alone in a dried up swamp just a little after dark.The three resident male BF were calling and converging on the edge of the nearby river to begin their nightly hunting/foraging round. The male that bedded on a high point overlooking the swamp was about to pass within about 100 yards of me to meet the others. He stopped walking for about ten minutes, but then continued on toward the others. It was about another ten minutes before I detected the sweet aroma, and heard very slow and careful bipedal footsteps following the same general path as the vocalizing male. The walking sounds stopped at about the same spot at which the male stopped. Within minutes that absolutely fresh and fragrant aroma enveloped the area and remained for about 30 minutes. I never heard any sound of movement in the dried swamp bed again that night. By then the males had gathered, and had gone up-river and their vocalizations ceased. Thanks for mentioned the smell SB.
    2 points
  3. That sweet smell .. female with infant. Peace, blissful happiness. It is a rare honor, especially for a man, to share in it, normally it is mother to mother. You guys are incredibly fortunate. MIB
    1 point
  4. The BFF is here to serve the community and we want to be the go-to site for members to find out about conferences, symposiums, seminars, etc. We will feature your event if you follow the guidelines below: Start a new thread about the event in this forum Include a description of the event. Clearly include the Date and Location of the event. Clearly include contact information for the event. Include any fees associated with the event. If it's a free event, indicate that it is so. Include a link to the event website If you want the event featured on the BFF "side slider", you must include a cover picture (see example below). Create the thread at least 30 days in advance. Important: Send me a Personal Message (PM) that you have posted the thread and would like to have it featured. Thanks! Example template of a suitable event that would be featured: ---- Event: Sasquatch Summit. When: January 1rst to Jan 3rd 2017 Where: Some Park, any city, state, zip Fees: $100 for expedition. $20 food ticket. Free presentation. BYOB, etc. Contact: John Doe, email, phone Website: http://www.eventwebsite.com Event Description: Leading researchers will present abc. Camping available. Expedition schedule is blah, blah, etc.
    1 point
  5. I might be forgetting details but rather than making up a BF story I'd just keep my mouth shut.
    1 point
  6. Don't expect crazed ... drugs, alcohol, or mentally deficient ... humans not to do things you think are foolish. They're not in a state to recognize the "foolishness" of what they're doing be cognizant of / care about the consequences. Expecting crazy people to be have in a non-crazy way is ... crazy. Y' know? MIB
    1 point
  7. May as well be hunting varmints. HEY!! That's it! New hit series....."Killing Varmints". I'm already all over my new book: "The Varmint Hunter's Field Manual". I'll be RICH!
    1 point
  8. Just my opinion, but I suspect money, rather than BF, is the main target for all involved...
    1 point
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