The BFF is here to serve the community and we want to be the go-to site for members to find out about conferences, symposiums, seminars, etc.
We will feature your event if you follow the guidelines below:
Start a new thread about the event in this forum
Include a description of the event.
Clearly include the Date and Location of the event.
Clearly include contact information for the event.
Include any fees associated with the event. If it's a free event, indicate that it is so.
Include a link to the event website
If you want the event featured on the BFF "side slider", you must include a cover picture (see example below).
Create the thread at least 30 days in advance.
Important: Send me a Personal Message (PM) that you have posted the thread and would like to have it featured.
Example template of a suitable event that would be featured:
Event: Sasquatch Summit.
When: January 1rst to Jan 3rd 2017
Where: Some Park, any city, state, zip
Fees: $100 for expedition. $20 food ticket. Free presentation. BYOB, etc.
Contact: John Doe, email, phone
Event Description: Leading researchers will present abc. Camping available. Expedition schedule is blah, blah, etc.