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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/09/2017 in all areas

  1. Before you make a statement like that you need to do a little research. With a quick search I found several cases where people had hit BF, some killing it. In several cases the cars were totaled. Authorities were called. One involved a police officer. One stepped in front of a logging truck. One the car was damaged and the BF ran off limping. The same night a policeman shot a BF in the area and it ran off at 20 MPH. I found no less than 9 cases of cars hitting BF. It is not my job to familiarize you with the literature. Humans get hit if they ignore or trust the drivers of cars. The present human thing is to have your nose in your smart phone, be drunk or on drugs and step in front of a car . BF has none of those issues. I also found several cases where humans were injured by BF reaching into cars. I did not remember that but apparently you are not safe in your cars.
    1 point
  2. Someone's train jumped the track down at "Now it seems that flakes per se may not represent what we thought they did. Capuchins pound rocks together to crack them open and lick the powdered quartz, probably to access dietary minerals. The process sends flakes flying in every direction. But the monkeys don’t use the flakes as tools; they just leave them lying about."
    1 point
  3. All the tooth impression research we have done is right around the edge of the blast zone. So as far as I'm concerned they are still there. We've been guesstimating bigfoot's home range in another thread. If it's around two hundred square miles the blast zone covered a lot of area but it was only 250 square miles. And a portion of that is covered by Spirit Lake. Pumice and ashfall covered a lot more than that but the forests and the animals survived and are still in those areas. The Gifford Pinchot National Forest covers three sides of the mountain. Some areas are gated in the winter but there is access to areas near the blast zone the rest of the year. There's also a lot of blast area east of the mountain (not easy to access) that wasn't included in the monument, but is in the GPNF.
    1 point
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