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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/10/2017 in all areas

  1. DWA defend a claim? Why start now? I predict a "rainbow rant" full of soothing colors, numerous fonts & sizes & at least 7 logical errors. I'd love to be wrong but the odds are in my favor..
    1 point
  2. OS - I'm confident that any such claim, without solid physical evidence, would not hold up in court and I'm equally sure you know it as well. In fact, I think that's why you've refused to actually answer the questions asked of you. I personally believe that it would be downright embarrassing for our hypothetical plaintiffs, worse even than DWA's April Fools day boondoggle. There are some items I agree with in your response. The property size could easily be a factor brought up in such a case or examination. For example, the NAWAC's continued inability to find any evidence on a small 10 acre plot after 15+ years despite the plethora of claims they've made should have everyone questioning their integrity if not their sanity in my opinion. I can also see the ownership of the property coming into it as well. Let's again use NAWAC for our real-life example as they lease the hunting cabin site from Charles Branson, a "forest people" proponent. Their anecdotal reports are quite different, Branson claims interaction with gentle "forest people" and NAWAC is throwing lead downrange at scary woodapes. How can such conflicting reports be used as anything more than a starting point for an investigation? In fact, to me, both sets of stories are completely unreliable without some sort of compelling physical evidence. If/when proponents are ready to examine the subject seriously, they will need to treat it seriously to be taken seriously. Irregardless of how many different ideas they may hold on the subject they will have to provide physical evidence. No amount of interrelated reports or stories will ever suffice.
    1 point
  3. Is it complex because the aliens created bigfoot?
    1 point
  4. Exactly! The ones who want to learn more about the critters will understand, those seriously interested in the subject will objectively consider the possibilities, but the nay-sayers who want nothing more than to be spoon fed by "science" - which ain't gonna happen - will let info from those that put in the time and money to learn run off there heads like rain off a duck's back. If the old saying is true, they must live a blissful life.
    1 point
  5. We had a large tooth. It was sent to Sykes for analysis and evidently was lost. This is how conspiracy theories happen in the Bigfoot community. Is the Smithsonian over at Sykes office ripping it apart? Out goes the repeatable part along with testing. If you have a promising Bigfoot sample? Do us all a favor and don't send the whole thing off to a lab.
    1 point
  6. The timber industry argument. Never takes too long for that to be trotted out. This is the same government that has already been proven to act on behalf of known species (spotted owl, for example), or to shut down development due to interesting archaeological finds (most recently with the findings about early humans in North America). This government does not seem against protecting habitat. Why would this be any different? Also, you would have to demonstrate that the species resided in that area. I don't think bigfoot has much to worry about on that one.
    1 point
  7. Banco, I still think dmaker should agree to go to a location - and in the event of bad weather or an off-night - agree on three nights. All he has to agree to is to sleep in a tent - but one with a pre-recorded sound - looped. He can use hearing protection or even music on earbuds to not be bothered, but I bet you have a tape loop that would ensure he gets a firm introduction as these things will certainly make themselves known. The right sounds - he'll get his face to face. His own, personal, proof. You think if offered, he'd go for it? Oh. And it would only be generous to let Incorrigible sleep in the same tent so they could share the same introduction.
    1 point
  8. What is the point of DWA repeating himself over and over and over again every day? You don't seem to have a problem with that.
    1 point
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