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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/13/2017 in all areas

  1. Twist, In lieu of popcorn, you might consider a funeral wreath for this site. When someone with actual experiences shows up here, the first thing that often happens is they're immediately pounced upon by the usual suspects (home guard) and duly castigated with demands for "proof", et al. A common denominator with the overwhelming majority of the resident critics is they have no standing in that no FTF encounter has occurred with them. BTW, am not saying that is a fatal flaw rather, they should proceed with caution and respect instead of pretending to be any sort of authority on the subject. Otherwise, this place risks becoming more of an echo chamber for the self-edification of bliss for the ignorant. Like a pack of dogs, those barking the loudest are the ones never having been on a hunt. In this respect, how is this place any different than that palace of pomposity and arrogance, ISF? Bottom line, with having two ears and one mouth, perhaps listening twice and speaking once is in order?
    3 points
  2. No Sir. According to witnesses there are at least two white-haired ones, and possibly a third. One now is old, decrepit and short tempered. It is believed that is the one that has a bedding area atop a large beaver lodge out in an old cypress swamp. I'll try to find a photo of that bedding place which was taken by local guy and posted on an AR sports forum. The old booger has aggressively escorted several hunters out of the woods just before dark.
    2 points
  3. By the way, I've personally received and investigated about a dozen reports from that general area. Three of which were forwarded from the BFRO. The details of all three have been published on BFRO's report site.
    2 points
  4. Yuchi, My belief, and it may be wrong, is that this site promotes civilized debate. Naturally that is going to cause angst and side taking. That's the nature of the beast. Personal insults, backhanded or not get thrown around by both sides. Welcome to the Internet! We all choose to participate willingly.
    2 points
  5. Reports are redundant and about useless now days. There is nothing ever new in them anymore. All the known traits of Bigfoot have been reported and known about years ago and anyone who has done research for more than a few years should already know this. Many reports now days are due to mass online media outlets where just about everyone wants to report they saw a Bigfoot just to make a few friends on their new Bigfoot group they found and then post their crappy blurry photo of absolutely nothing. If you want a real report then you better get your butt out in the woods and make them for yourself.. And not just any woods, but woods that are known to harbor Bigfoot. Unfortunately, despite popular current belief and current Bigfoot culture, they don't live in your backyard in the middle of suburbia. I can't trust reports made by a place like the bfro, they only post reports that fits their agenda. Reports made daily on facebook, lol you gotta be joking. Either you spend a lot of time in the woods searching for your own answers, or you will be stuck on a forum crying about what the other guy said. This is directly at no one, just seems common place on here lately. I could keep a research thread current and alive with all the outings our group has. Whether we find someone or not on that outing, there is always something to report. But I can't bring myself to buy into a membership here because I get the feeling it's going to be the same on the other side also as it is here. I don't want to pay just to read more bitching back and forth. But seems to get your own research thread you gotta pay for membership. Now if someone could prove to me that it's a lot better on the other side, I would gladly pay for a membership. I've also seen this "ignore" list thing thrown around on here lately by a few people. Seems to me as dead as it is here for quite a while now, if you have too many ignored, you probably just talking to yourself when you post.
    2 points
  6. Boy, ever considered the fact that people do read and consider things yet come up with different conclusions than you? ..... I know, mind blown for you.......
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Many. Incredibly many. I can think of a couple in my own family. One "adult" threatened to not merely whup me, but to deliberately damage me, if I told of my first sighting a second time. Turns out 40 years later that same "adult" told of his own experience. Fear of ridicule, fear of admitting there's something he's not the expert on, fear of being afraid ... beats me. After living here just over 20 years, I'm beginning to break into the culture of the older, original families who settled the area. They are .. reserved. Turns out most of the places I have had bigfoot experiences have a long history, not necessarily with bigfoot being named, but a history of "things" happening which the teller would describe as hair raising or terrifying but never specifically name. 'tis possible that with more years, I'll gain more trust and learn more details. It's not a thing that happens quickly. The person with their feet on the ground gathering information better plan on it taking decades. However, you either let it take as long as it takes, or you give up. Trying to force the issue makes it take longer or not happen at all, it does not achieve the desired effect. MIB
    1 point
  9. I'd guess for each untold story there is probably at least one false report in the various databases. As it stands now I believe reports would indicate BF is much more prevalent across much of N.America than it actually is given the lack of good solid evidence. My money is on a relatively low population and most likely nomadic.
    1 point
  10. A quick search for "ATV" activity (there's no choice for just motorcycle) yields 64 reports including the one referred to in this thread. "Hiking" yielded 517. "Bicycling" is not a field we can choose. We use "Other" but that returns search results that are way too broad.
    1 point
  11. I experienced this recently on here but I was already aware of how these things happen. I also made it plainly clear I feel no need to provide proof of anything to a public forum even though I did provide proof. It bothers me to see grown people cry so I gave them a piece of candy. And after I did provide proof of what I spoke of, the discussion went silent. It's the main reason I rarely post anything of the stuff our group does. It's fine with me though, I've been doing this for a long time and expect it before it happens. The only way to see my evidence and our groups evidence is to join our group as a fellow physical evidence researcher. I enjoy the posts from pretty much everyone on this forum I've seen so far, including the skeptics. Whether I agree with them or not, knower's and skeptics, I read their posts and sometimes get a different angle on something. But I don't cater to whims and call outs.
    1 point
  12. Claims to be terrified and scared for his/their lives on multiple occasions in a area frequented by civilians yet never notifies authorities....... then waits 41 years to file a report. Super sketchy.
    1 point
  13. I have trouble reading fictional stories or novels because i don't particularly enjoy the writing style. This report seems like it was produced by a story teller. It includes a lot of extra fluff, trying to frame the scene. As somebody who enters these reports in our database, i can appreciated the detailed descriptions, but something seems off to me. "Narrow Eyes" is kind of a red flag and I'd think a creature this large would not have "Small nostril holes" A Non Compliant gait? How else would we notice knee flex bowing slightly backwards?
    1 point
  14. Triton, I can't prove anything about the research section. But speaking from personal experience you have full moderation control over your posts. Although I have never had to use it. I do get questions and comments from people showing genuine interest in the subject. It's a good place to share your work.
    1 point
  15. One thing to remember about Fahrenbach hair analysis: Source:http://www.bigfootencounters.com/biology/manimal.htm Quote is in Part Two In May 2004, Dr. Fahrenbach analyzed hairs that Janice claims to have pulled from Fox’s wrist, and the scientist’s conclusion was this: “The morphology of this hair is clearly primate in character, all standard mammals of N. America are ruled out, and the remaining confounding variable – human hair – is not similar to this hair at all, in that the density of pigmentation far exceeds that of the blackest human hair. These observations provide a legitimizing underpinning to the factual details reported by Jan Coy (Carter) (as co-author) in the book by Mary Green, deviant interpretations thereof notwithstanding.” The Janice Coy Story was a fabrication from beginning to end, If I remember correctly the hair from the barn was synthetic costume hair.
    1 point
  16. Bravo, Yuchi1. And I am so sorry it's taken me a while to chime in. Sometimes the ugliness pops up with such force here that it knocks the wind out of me, and I can't speak. And then when I try to speak, I find the ugliness has triggered a matching ugliness in me. It took at least a day to find a better response. So now that I've recovered a little, I just want to say that I have loved hearing your story and learning about your journey. You have chosen a path that, clearly, few people here (or anywhere) are able to follow. (Most cave to the barking of those dogs you mentioned.) I am in awe of your strength and clarity, as I am of Far Archer's and Branco's. Thanks for shining the light for the rest of us.
    1 point
  17. In the clip they showed on the news you can see a black creature with arms and legs moving through the tree tops. The oddest part of it is that there was no mention of anyone even planning to track it down, which were it a chimp they'd be inclined to do in light of how dangerous they can be. If it's an escapee,then it's habituated to people, I doubt it would be hesitant to approach human dwellings, in search of food, for too long, as the hills proffer little a chimp would be apt to eat. Bear in mind, in these parts when a bear comes down outta the hill into these communities during the day, it gets all day coverage. The last one had the first days footage,from both the ground and from the helicopters each of the networks sent out. The second day repeated the footage, coupled with follow up interviews with those whose houses and lifestyles were most effected by the bears presence. Then the third day they interviewed the people whose dog chased the bear through their yard. So if that was a chimp, they're staying awfully quite with a story that would surely bring in audience shares
    1 point
  18. Wow, must have gotten under your skin. You don't like that mirror even a little bit, do you? That only happens when denial is under attack. Your "contributions" that you're so proud of amount to plagiarizing others' work and repackaging it as if it is something new. The fact is, while you've been tooting your own horn on the internet doing nothing but typing, I just got back from 5 days in the field with a large group doing real research, expanding my connections, and brainstorming with the people who are doing the real work to see if I can help with their efforts. If talk is all you can contribute, well, best of luck to you. I'm done with this discussion 'til there's something of substance added. MIB
    1 point
  19. Agree. I choose option #2. I don't know how many more breaths or heartbeats I will have, maybe only 40 years, so I'm not wasting them on this: even a nap is more constructive. MIB
    1 point
  20. I am of the opinion that the only experts in the field would appear to be the Sasquatchs.
    1 point
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