Trust me, it isn't easy for me to suspend my personal opinions, and many times I don't. I will admit that I have a built in prejudgment about certain people who post on the forums, and it is nearly impossible for me to disassociate myself from those judgments, many times I can't. I find the best way to dispose of frustration is to not look at it in terms of who is right and who is wrong, but look at it in terms of differing opinions, and taking a step back and trying to discern the reasons for that differing opinion. Where is that persons point of view coming from and what are the facts they are presenting to bolster their side of the issue.
There are many "stories" that I find hard to swallow, and I look at them as just that, stories. Some may think a story a total fabrication, but who is to say what is truth and fiction in this field? If we suspend judgement and just listen to the story, then ask the logical questions about the story, the truth usually comes out, if the storyteller will respond to the questions. So many times the storyteller is attacked out of hand, before any pertinent questions are asked, that they decide not to engage in a discussion and just go away. Some may say that this is a sign of deception, but sometimes it is just a matter of not being willing to subject themselves to the harassment that ensues.
You may find there are real people that have encountered something, even it is fear induced, imagined or a honest mistake and they believe it is real. You may even consider that they deserve respect for their belief. Have you ever considered that what they find belief in may actually be real? I know for a fact that I don't have all the answers for what is out there, but I am willing to listen to people, find out the facts of the issue and make a judgement based on that individual encounter, sighting or evidence.
Like the X-Files says, "The Truth Is Out There". It may be a huge massive hoax, it may be mass misidentification, mass hallucination, or maybe, just maybe, it may actually be an undiscovered primate. Who knows? Not me, that's for sure.