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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/28/2017 in all areas

  1. Oddly enough, they don't seem to be suffering. Project much? ... 'cause I hear no sounds of anguish but .. yours. They offer info, might be right, might be wrong, but it's on topic and worth thinking about. You ... not so much. You just sit back firing distracting, off-topic, snarky personal attacks that have nothing to do with bigfoot. It wouldn't matter, for what you contribute, if this were about golf instead of bigfoot, it'd be the same thing, it's all about belittling other people to make yourself feel better. Given a choice I'd pick spending my time with these "mentally suffering" people every single time. MIB
    3 points
  2. Encouraging those suffering mentally, not a good thing.
    2 points
  3. Here, MIB. Accept this bowl of garlic as a peace offering.
    1 point
  4. Congrats NAWAC. Making "The Tonight Show" is huge.
    1 point
  5. That does seem quite contradictory. Elusive and widespread. It seems to me that if they did in fact exist that they would be few in numbers ,but enough of them to survive with a breeding population . Driven to the dark forests by the threat of modern man, technology and what is commonly called progress.
    1 point
  6. Quick thumbs-up to ioyza, JKH, and LeafTalker ... absolutely agree on the moniker "long term witness". As you have almost certainly observed, in "habituation" situations, it is more often than not the humans, not the bigfoots, whose behavior is conditioned / changed. We're the habituated, not the habituator. One of you mentioned Enoch ... when Mike overstepped boundaries, he's the one that got pitched in the creek, not the other way around. He was the one whose behavior was being conditioned. I'm ok with the term habituation so long as the irony is recognized, also because when it refers to the setting, it remains accurate no matter who is being habituated. Such people are amazing resources, especially for each other, but I find what they are willing to share, when they are willing to share, very useful myself. When the pieces fit together and match the existing parts of the puzzle ... the pieces fit together and match the existing parts of the puzzle. It just is what it is. MIB
    1 point
  7. I don't put any stock in conspiracy theories.
    1 point
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