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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/31/2017 in all areas

  1. There is barely a trace of virgin forest anywhere in the congenital US.
    2 points
  2. "Siege at Honobia" if I'm not mistaken. Search "Timberghost bigfoot" Lots of talk for years and years yet nothing but stories. Here is their old message board. http://www.network54.com/Forum/200310 Here is their original website http://www.angelfire.com/ok5/kiamichibigfoot bff link www.bigfootfoums.com/topic/r31981-siege-at-honobia-attracting-the-predators/?page=1 Lots of talk.
    2 points
  3. It's easy to point out animals that in the past have suffered from human intervention. When speaking of modern times however, in the US especially, animal protection is pretty effective.
    1 point
  4. Fair points. In one sense, by "community" I simply mean anyone who cares about the topic of BF and talks about it online, but I am also implicitly referring to the subdivision of that group that grab torches and pitchforks rather easily. Whether either of these qualifies as an "actual" community or not isn't so relevant. I do actually care about what the community thinks, these people have big impacts on the information that is and isn't shared, their vitriol weighs on the psyches of the sharers, etc etc.
    1 point
  5. This community loves purging, you can get purged for releasing photos or videos, appearing on TV, doing DNA studies, or even just opening your mouth. It's like some sort of intellectual bulimia, probably rooted in similar paranoias. Just take each morsel of info with its grains of salt, all your bile doesn't do anyone any good.
    1 point
  6. And I wonder why they have environmental impact laws? To protect endangered species and it's habitat, right? Examples, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_spotted_owl https://www.worldwildlife.org/species/pacific-salmon You have now completely painted yourself into a corner....... The problem is? Is that here in the Pacific NW, we have mowed down some of the biggest old growth forests on the continent long before the endangered species act was ever a thought. Worse yet....they didn't replant in many areas. They paved it and put in 7/11's, housing tracts and golf courses. The second link specifically lists development as a main threat for salmon. The fight is far from over....and if Sasquatch was on The endangered species list? It would be a HUGE voice in this fight over natural resources. You bring up the NE US, if things are clicking along over there? Awesome! My experience comes from the PacNW.
    1 point
  7. I don't think that applies to the area I've been researching. The bigfoots are not there year around. This may sound too 'woo' for some but I swear, the whole dang area feels different when they're around than when they are not. MIB
    1 point
  8. Concrete and steel have already done what you fear the most.
    1 point
  9. Probably. Unless you SAW it......you didn't really see it. Bambi can sound like a Wolly Mammoth is the darkness of the forest.
    1 point
  10. It's not much different than any other monster show. Film in the dark and react to noises around you. Mole hills become mountains in the night.
    1 point
  11. I will give BFRO major props for their list of sightings, if that's what you mean by their database - is there something else on their website I'm missing? Their reports are by far the best in letting the witness state, in their own words, what they saw/heard/etc., and then following up for details. I guess I'm just confused by identifying that as a "database" as its not publicly searchable. Like Mountain Monsters on Destination America, unfortunately. And to the extent that Finding Bigfoot let some TV executive somewhere say, "We can do that, only dumber!," shame on them. I half expect to see "Big Brother - the Bigfoot Season" coming soon. Anything I say can be used as evidence against me in a court of law. I think I'll just exercise my right to remain silent.
    1 point
  12. Hello All! First post for many years. Took time out to study as many sighting reports as I could get my hands on. So many excellent resources online if you look in the right places. As for Moneymaker... Well as one who has had several 'exchanges' with him on Twitter over the years, I can only concur that he is a pretty difficult character to like or at times agree with. He's brash, opinionated and often, in my view at least, intentionally controversial. He is however, knowledgeable and can be very helpful on occasion. This subject has it's fair share of interesting characters and MM certainly falls into this category. Personally I prefer my BF exponents to be a bit more thoughtful and measured but hey, it's a subject that we all feel passionately about so I understand some going off the deep end at times. There is no doubt MM's personality won't be too everyone's taste but we cannot doubt the impact he has had on the subject over the last 7-8 years or so.
    1 point
  13. I've been watching what you've said for some time now. The only way any piece of evidence would meet your criteria of "evidence" is if it were already backed by proof of existence. There's a catch-22, huh? We'll never have proof without building on evidence but you won't accept evidence unless there's already proof. MIB
    1 point
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