IMO, you basically laid out the story as I understood it from not only the original source but others with access to the facts and circumstances as well. In looking through several threads found here the majority of published "evidence" against Ketchum comes from Skeptic/Skofftic sources and/or blogspots that aren't usually good anecdotal information, even on a good day with hyperbole being accepted as a form of evidence, not a good format.
This excerpt speaks volumes: ..."Truth is, once again, the ossified groupthink in bigfootville does not allow the researcher tribe to consider the possibility that bigfoot is not the ape that John Green, Peter Byrne, and Rene Dahinden always said it was. I believe it was Rene Dahinden’s quotation that lives in infamy, “It’s nothing but a ****, dirty ape!” Sadly that phrase still echoes in the halls of bigfootville and it has done lasting damage to the intellectual integrity with which the competing hypotheses have been considered by bigfoot researchers to this day"...
BTW, am not a card-carrying Ketchum defender as IMO, she succumbed to the profit motive partially driven by financial stresses however, am aware that some of her work was of the quality to stand on it's own but the cultish ambience so endemic in both the academic community as well as Sasquatchery, went to war on her almost from the get-go. Yep, those dam n trees always seem to be getting in the way.