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  1. The hair Ketchum tested was seen to come directly from that chewy masked creature. That 1/3rd of her genome study is absolute garbage. The Erickson creature is a hoax. That's the entire hair portion. The other 2 were saliva and blood right?
    1 point
  2. Norseman, the mtDNA, the easiest thing to test for, came back 100% Human. But the hair it came from isn't morphologically Human. Can this possibly be any simpler? Dr. Ketchum was selected as one of a group (probably quite a large group) of geneticists to test DNA of Humans after the Trade Tower collapse. The sequencing cover both genders of Humans- so she's no slouch.
    1 point
  3. For all we know?? OntarioSquatch, how deeply have you honestly read about this study and how it was handled? Unsupported statements like that started almost immediately once word got out- BEFORE the manuscript was ever made public f you had read the history you would know that. And knowing that you just might find yourself questioning how or why an agenda like that ever got started when results of the study had yet to be published. A biased black mark was created before there was anything to pass any scientific judgment on! And the worst folks are the non-scientist so-called proponents. With no expertise themselves in the field of genetics all they can do is puppet what others say and have said. Now I am not a scientist. I am therefore not a geneticist. I cannot read DNA results as I do not know how to read what the sequences in a DNA scan or histogram are showing me. And I freely admit all of that. All I can do is present what others have accomplished. I can however use some logic at a certain level to argue things for or against. In the case of the either the alleged Sasquatch nesting site and its investigation OR the Sasquatch Genome Project it might be best to keep things as simple as possible for the sake of discussion. Mitochondrial DNA is pretty easy stuff for laboratories to sequence. Basically because in a single cell there's a LOT of it. Nuclear DNA? not so much so its much more difficult. Basically because nuclear DNA lies in the nucleus of a cell. Mitochondria on the other hand lies in the cytoplasm within\ the cell but it's in the material outside the cell nucleus in the area between the nucleus and the cell wall. So lets look at just that. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is the easiest stuff to sequence and match to something. It also happens to be all female oriented so there isn't anything about it that is male.in origin. So lets say someone is sequencing that mitochondrial and the results come back as being 100% Human female. There are no issues with that. The issues arise when that mtDNA is sampled from a hair that has been determined through microscopy to be NOT Human. In fact the hair doesn't match anything in the reference bank of mammals which includes every kind of animal known to science- including Human hair of all types, bear hair of all types and so on through the whole spectrum of known creatures. Oh boy, NOW WHAT? One doesn't need nuclear DNA to ask this question or to get the Human mtDNA/non-Human hair conundrum. Visually inspect the hair's morphology under a microscope at 40-400x and match it to a known animal. Should be simple unless it turns out that it doesn't match anything. So then run the comparatively easy mtDNA test and it comes back Human- 100% Human. Never mind the nuclearDNA hoop to jump through. One can see there is already a mystery without it. If this occurs with the Sasquatch nest investigations and testing of whatever it is they find if anything then there's going to be yet another uproar regarding contaminated samples- guaranteed. Just saying all of this so that everyone is prepared for the worst.
    1 point
  4. Went over to the Project Grendel website last week and discovered there were apparently zero posts on it. Reckon no one is drinking any of that Kool aid?
    1 point
  5. Please do not accuse me of that in that tone or reference. I've done my home work and ask the right questions and present the right arguments in logic as well as what science is requiring. Yes, of course Matitlda is Chewbacca what does that have to do with the other witness' descriptive use of Chewbacca as a reference. And you don't need a lab that specializes in new primate species. You only need a sample from an alleged new species and just about any lab can confirm it. Look there are experts everywhere in this field of DNA and hair microscopy. That science has been around for a long time and sotoday and even ten years ago isn't and wasn't cutting edge. This is dated July of 2000: https://archives.fbi.gov/archives/about-us/lab/forensic-science-communications/fsc/july2000/deedric1.htm ANY lab can do a BLAST test against the GenBank. Any lab can do hair microscopy. For the people like who was on Ketchum's team it would be like falling off of a log. They could have done it in their sleep. People need to stop thinking any of this is specialized beyond being able to have the equipment and computers available in good labs, which is most universities and thousands of private institutions- never mine the labs that law enforcement have. Hair morphology is a no brainer, Norse, but when non- Human hair comes back Human and a bunch of labs get that result even though proper procedures are followed then there's something out there that science continues to ignore if in fact they are ignoring it.
    1 point
  6. There are lots of people drinking lots of things, some of which is based upon desperately trying to back into/validate their own foregone conclusions, all those trees be darned! Several are trying to speak from a position as if they actually knew what was really going on before, during and after the process however, it's coming across as bloviation and/or fabrication. What we're observing is the symptomatic malady that has beset Sasquatchery since almost day one after the PG film.
    1 point
  7. Send the sample to a competent geneticist???
    1 point
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