Please do not accuse me of that in that tone or reference. I've done my home work and ask the right questions and present the right arguments in logic as well as what science is requiring. Yes, of course Matitlda is Chewbacca what does that have to do with the other witness' descriptive use of Chewbacca as a reference.
And you don't need a lab that specializes in new primate species. You only need a sample from an alleged new species and just about any lab can confirm it. Look there are experts everywhere in this field of DNA and hair microscopy. That science has been around for a long time and sotoday and even ten years ago isn't and wasn't cutting edge. This is dated July of 2000: ANY lab can do a BLAST test against the GenBank. Any lab can do hair microscopy. For the people like who was on Ketchum's team it would be like falling off of a log. They could have done it in their sleep. People need to stop thinking any of this is specialized beyond being able to have the equipment and computers available in good labs, which is most universities and thousands of private institutions- never mine the labs that law enforcement have. Hair morphology is a no brainer, Norse, but when non- Human hair comes back Human and a bunch of labs get that result even though proper procedures are followed then there's something out there that science continues to ignore if in fact they are ignoring it.