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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/15/2017 in all areas

  1. Here, I'm pretty confident there are both migratory and resident groups. Some of the lower elevation valleys to the west only get intermittent snow in winter. There are a couple places that seem to have year around bigfoot activity. They only seem to be present toward the end of summer / very early fall in the high mountains. This suggests they've gone somewhere for winter, then returned. They don't seem to return quite as early as the game animals, gap of as much as 2 months. I'm not entirely convinced those that are "migrating" are doing just a 1 year cycle. There seem to be indications of a 3-4-5 year pattern. There may be bigfoots almost every year but it's not necessarily always the same ones each year. (This is a guess ... I can't validate the evidence for it.) Following up on reports ... exactly. That is why the "4 horsemen" didn't have personal sightings, they were always headed for where the bigfoots just left. Somewhat deliberate sightings are only possible where patterns have been established whether that's at a habituation setting or in a places with predictable annual activity. We're able to do what we're able to do, to the degree we're able to do it (which is still far from complete) because we've got the benefit of their experience to leverage. IMHO of course. MIB
    2 points
  2. IMO, real habituators are extremely wary of others learning about their situation. Am aware of three (3) such people (NE OK, NC & MS) that had major issues with trespassers (some armed) and all were outed by the same so-called BF organization after leaks occurred with what the habituators (at the time) considered trusted sources. These individuals would no more publicly come to a site such as BFF than they would let the kids play in the highway. The angst this creates for some BF groups is probably (IMO) why they tend to be so vicious once they have a bit of intel on them.
    1 point
  3. The other thing to consider and we of European descent tend to loose sight of, in how to define BF is that almost universally the Native Peoples of North America consider BF a tribe of "people". They have coexisted for as long as Native Americans have been on the continent, and rather that some giant ape, scarey beast, as Europeans have tagged them, they are most often referred to as "forest or mountain people" or something similar by most native peoples. Often tagged with spiritual or supernatural abilities. Native Americans should know better than we what they are because they have been around them for at least 10,000 years.
    1 point
  4. Hello All! First post for many years. Took time out to study as many sighting reports as I could get my hands on. So many excellent resources online if you look in the right places. As for Moneymaker... Well as one who has had several 'exchanges' with him on Twitter over the years, I can only concur that he is a pretty difficult character to like or at times agree with. He's brash, opinionated and often, in my view at least, intentionally controversial. He is however, knowledgeable and can be very helpful on occasion. This subject has it's fair share of interesting characters and MM certainly falls into this category. Personally I prefer my BF exponents to be a bit more thoughtful and measured but hey, it's a subject that we all feel passionately about so I understand some going off the deep end at times. There is no doubt MM's personality won't be too everyone's taste but we cannot doubt the impact he has had on the subject over the last 7-8 years or so.
    1 point
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