The whole "the Bigfoot were just concerned and trying to help" meme really bothers me.
I think it more likely that they thought she might have been loading food in the jeep.
If Bigfoot were universally hostile I'd be dead. But I don't think they are universally benign either.
I've caught one in the act of trying to steal a puppy from our tent. And the location where that happened in Nevada County, California is in one of Paulides' clusters.
I know that there have been accounts of life-saving acts by Bigfoot, but there are also accounts of probable predation by Bigfoot.
They do, by many accounts, seem drawn to human children and I've experienced this.
Their lurking behaviors may be benign, but they are also creepy, the acts of the ultimate boogeymen. Boogers?
Many NA described them as predators, kidnappers, etc.
I'm not inclined to leave the vulnerable untended in their presence.