Hiflier, I have a similar view towards the many samples tested, with no nonhuman ape DNA to mention. I don't feel they all were contaminated. Ketchum must have been convinced by the early samples in the study, to have taken the coarse it did. Her testing ( what she normally did in her lab) was primarily limited to mtDNA and not Nuclear DNA. With Nuclear DNA samples being Hair, tissue , blood and saliva, they each would require a different set of handling and testing procedures. In other words, more chance for results to be different or wrong all together. The next generation machines that do high throughput sequencing are likely indiscriminant towards contamination. Ketchum had this whole community holding high expectations, but this was not a study that could be held in a vacuum until publication. She had to make it known so she could source the samples, The major benefactors had spent a lot of money to get some real answers on the samples, and the major journals would not have published on just hair morphology and human mtDNA as proof sasquatch existed as a definite conclusion to this mystery. So she needed deep ancestry from the X and Y chromosomes which likely was more than her team could handle without a lot more help and higher quality samples with better provenance.