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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/11/2017 in all areas

  1. Yep, thus the need for bleach to make results that would have contradicted her claims go away. Without Tyler and Bart to assist Justin with having his piece retested independently, we might not know what a fraud Ketchum truly was. The ironic thing is, Justin's account of what happened, the timeline, etc. provided Ketchum with an "out", all she had to do was have the integrity to report the results back honestly as bear. MIB
    1 point
  2. Hiflier, I have a similar view towards the many samples tested, with no nonhuman ape DNA to mention. I don't feel they all were contaminated. Ketchum must have been convinced by the early samples in the study, to have taken the coarse it did. Her testing ( what she normally did in her lab) was primarily limited to mtDNA and not Nuclear DNA. With Nuclear DNA samples being Hair, tissue , blood and saliva, they each would require a different set of handling and testing procedures. In other words, more chance for results to be different or wrong all together. The next generation machines that do high throughput sequencing are likely indiscriminant towards contamination. Ketchum had this whole community holding high expectations, but this was not a study that could be held in a vacuum until publication. She had to make it known so she could source the samples, The major benefactors had spent a lot of money to get some real answers on the samples, and the major journals would not have published on just hair morphology and human mtDNA as proof sasquatch existed as a definite conclusion to this mystery. So she needed deep ancestry from the X and Y chromosomes which likely was more than her team could handle without a lot more help and higher quality samples with better provenance.
    1 point
  3. You got that right BP......That doesn't just go for samples sent to Ketchum. DNA testing destroys tissue, but a sample like Justin's would provide many, many rounds of testing.
    1 point
  4. RE: ABOVE Post, a suspected baby BF skull was tested by Melba K or her lab. for Tom Burnette, (a former forum member) and he requested his sample be returned (despite it being a deer skull that had been sawed in half and left somewhere---probably poachers but who knows). He requested the remainder of the sample be returned, and a protracted attempt to get it back lasted a year or more IIRC. It is these kinds of historical repetitions that poison the well for me, despite the sample coming back to him eventually with much threatening short of litigation. Not defending that sample whatsoever having seen a partial DNA report of her findings in that regard from the researcher it was clear--- as pages were withheld (documented on old forum) I was given when I asked to see the results---- that the sample and report were of absolutely no significance. . Lesson to be learned too is never dispossess your entire sample and ever expect to see it again (at least on YOUR timeline)..
    1 point
  5. Some are ex-military internet "tough guys" who like to fantasize in great detail about baggin' themselves a squatch.
    1 point
  6. There is way more silliness than Moneymaker out there..... The way I see it is thus. 1)For most this subject is simple a campfire ghost story. They do not want to prove or disprove anything....pass the marshmallows please. 2)Some get frustrated by the lack of results and start seeking answers that defy modern physics. 3)Some seek to profit from the subject in one form or another. 4)Some blatantly make up stories about hidden "knowledge" in order to garner attention unto themselves. 5)Some stay grounded, looking for the facts, find none and move on to greener pastures. 6)Some are the knowers that have " seen" the creature and stay in the fight. 7)Some just want to argue the PGF in a circular fashion until death do us part. 8 ) Some are skeptics that are doing research on the human brain. 9)Some are professors that seem to like to talk about the reasons for the lack of evidence over the last century. 10)Some are self proclaimed scientists that dismiss your opinion in favor of their own while touting your lack of understanding of the evidence....of which there is very little. Who did I miss?
    1 point
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