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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/15/2017 in all areas

  1. Improper invocation of Occam's razor, a hallmark of the BF scofftic. You're leaving out a critical factor - the apparent effort involved. What does it take for humans to construct these elaborate structures out of 20-80 ft tall pine trees? Stripping each one of its bark and branches, to what end? Have you given a quick mental estimate to the amount of force involved in bending one of these trees in even a 5 or 10 degree arc, let alone some of the really dramatic half-circles? I'd argue there are structures that could not be created by humans without the use of heavy machinery, in areas inaccessible to heavy machinery. Sure, you can prove humans exist, but I bet you can't show me a single video of humans creating a structure that in any way resembles the things documented in the video I linked (let me guess - you skipped it). Contrast that with the endless amount of these structures I could show you with minimal effort just searching youtube. I wouldn't suggest this stuff as direct evidence of their existence per se, but it should give you more pause than it does.
    1 point
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