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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/19/2017 in all areas

  1. I have seen them. The first time was 11 years ago.
    2 points
  2. I also have lived most of my life in wilderness areas, never had any encounters until moving where I live now.Which happens to be along a river, near many lakes, in an area that had a lot of activity. I have had 3 sightings, all from a vehicle, in early morning hrs. We have made good casts of tracks, and found nests, and heard the gamut of sounds. Numerous witnesses at those times, and the involvement of several Bf investigative groups. Unfortunately, the activity has all but died out, I think mostly due to the expansion of housing developments, and to a lesser degree of all the investigators, suddenly appearing on the property, that had pretty much sat idle for decades. We have no doubts of their existence, but proof will be almost impossible to obtain.
    1 point
  3. Sorry, I hadn't noticed your post. I'll take a shot at that. Understand that in other countries, the education and government are more tightly coupled than they are here, they don't have the independence we do, and you simply don't study something at a university the government doesn't approve of on some level, overt or not. Russia ... think about Dmitri Bayanov, Igor Burtsev, and Jeanne-Marie Koffmann. Each were involved in researching unidentified bipeds (almasty) as part of their jobs with university grants. That means government support, even if only grudging. China ... remember that Mark Evans, in investigating yeti reports with Bryan Sykes, met with a Chinese university professor at their museum ... again, university, thus government, funding. Turn around and look at the institutional support academics who look into bigfoot get here. They wind up fighting to save their careers, their retirement, etc. So you can pick nits if you wish and say it was education, not government, but I won't buy it, and you can pick nits and say it was yaren and almasty, not bigfoot, but I won't buy that either. While they may not truly embrace hairy hominids with open arms / outright acceptance, the study of those is more acceptable in their educational systems than it is here in ours. MIB
    1 point
  4. 7.62, yes, during daylight hours. Early afternoon, summertime, clear weather, at about 150 yards, with no obstructions to my view. I was on a logging road crossing a clear cut on a hillside above a creek; the Sasquatch was on the opposite bank of the creek at the bottom of the hill.
    1 point
  5. Add me to the list of people who has seen one. (Two, actually ... 40-ish years apart.) MIB
    1 point
  6. I'm still not entirely sure - I saw what looked like amber eyes, but it was so dark out , and I couldn't see a body. (literally couldn't see my hand in front of my face) I have no other explanation for what me and my daughter both saw.
    1 point
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