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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/28/2017 in all areas

  1. How 'bout "no" to treachery and deceit? Gig - I'm trying not to be judgmental but the whole notion of what you suggest turns my stomach. MIB
    1 point
  2. I've never been interested in "proving". Still, there have been long dry spells where I find (see, hear, etc) no evidence and doubts about my own remembrance creeps in thus I think I know what you're talking about. For me, that has not lasted yet. Each time it ends with an incredible slap upside the head which removes every hint of doubt. You might not realize it from the amount of time I spend here, but I really don't obsess over bigfoot, I don't spend any more time here on this forum than I do on others for other interests .. hunting, fishing, backpacking, etc. Sometimes I wish I had not seen what I've seen but since i have, I have. My capacity for deliberate self-deception just isn't great enough to let me pretend otherwise. It would be simpler if I could. I don't deliberately bigfoot very much, it's usually secondary, or at least equal to, some other concurrent activity ... same time, same location. I can't put bigfooting behind me without also giving up the other things I enjoy ... and I just won't. Sometimes there's nothing to do but get back on Rocinante and head of fin search of another windmill. MIB
    1 point
  3. I personally have always felt equating a simple scientific inquiry with a need to "believe", or not, puts the whole matter on a very unhealthy level. That, and an overwhelming need to be vindicated lead some to a very unhappy place. It happens on the skeptics side of things too. So, LCB, if that used to be you, I think you are much better off where you are now. It is the pinnacle of hubris for anyone to think they could be the one person likely to somehow crack this mystery wide open. The only person in history to legitimately lay claim to that role was Roger Patterson, and I think we can all agree his results were not at all what he might have hoped them to be when he was shooting that film.
    1 point
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