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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/14/2017 in all areas

  1. I have not tried it but I wonder if diodes would prevent back charging in parallel battery packs. Certainly that would prevent current flow in one direction.
    1 point
  2. Even if I were to discount the existence of bigfoot and if I were to omit a couple sightings from consideration, I would be left with occasional track finds I've photographed and audio of something or other I have not been able to identify. Minus bigfoot, those pieces of evidence exist here in the room with me as photos and recordings. They need explanation, identification. Truth is, they still do. The tracks I'm comfortable with calling bigfoot tracks, the audio I'm much less sure of. Unknown is unknown. P-G ... you have it exactly right. It is a beautiful blue-sky day here, a bit chilly. I'm going to pack a jacket, camera, pistol, lunch, and a couple fishing rods in my truck and head towards Crater Lake National Park and see what my camera can find. The vines maple have turned colors. It's going to be awesome! MIB
    1 point
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