Is that legal protection under the full weight of the law as was implemented by the US Government with the Native Americans? Ask the Native Americans how that all worked out! BF would be far better off if they are an animal. They could be protected under the endangered species act and left alone. If found to be a humanoid, or human hybrid, they would fare less well. In order to provide the services that would be thrust on them by the government, wanted or not, they would have to be pacified as we did with the Native Americans. That would not go well with the BF as it did not go well with the NA. I see Manifest Destiny all over again, when the Government realizes that these indigenous BF peoples have rights to land already stolen from them. Even though the National Forests are theoretically owned by the people of the United States, just try to do something on "your land" not permitted by the Forest Service. I have yet to see a BF lined up on a sportings good store purchasing a deer tag for the right to hunt on their own land like us humans do. Attempts to enforce our laws on them will be met with violent resistance. And that will be met with armed human law enforcers. Innocents on both sides will die and law enforcement will come down hard. I can see it all spiraling out of control, into a war between different species. I hate to give the government credit for much as most of what they do is messed up, but perhaps smart people have already figured out that the best thing for bigfoot is simply to pretend they do not exist. I think that the best route to take for their benefit.