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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/21/2017 in all areas

  1. I concur that they are reasonably sentient, though different from humans. Their physical capabilities obviate the need for many tools and eliminate necessity - as in "necessity is the mother of invention". That said, they are hominids and share many basic behaviors; including social, stalking, hunting, foraging, etc. with us. When confronted with humans engaged in behaviors we share on the interspecies behavioral Venn diagram, they seem to understand quite clearly what we are about.
    2 points
  2. Thats all i do every fall. Follow ungulates. I must be doing something wrong. Small buck taken off my ranch Sunday.
    2 points
  3. Need to consider the human social aspect to the prevalence of reports. A single, high profile event such as the Patterson Video (with the lag associated by the delay in its distribution) leads to the inclination to report what one considers a relatively unique experience. But saturate the public consciousness with all things bigfoot and fewer people may report their encounters, simply because they may not view them to be as unique, though still rare. Ironic that nine seasons of Finding Bigfoot may well have had an inhibiting effect on the frequency of reports made to the BFRO.
    1 point
  4. Yeah i don't believe it's just as simple as "follow the ungulates" even though i do believe it has some merit. It's all about finding patterns in Sasquatch related data, geo-spatial patterns, seasonal patterns etc. That imo is the only thing worth doing in the field and the only thing that gives you even a tiny chance of establishing any form of predictability at all, and if you can even establish the tiniest bit of predictability, it's potentially game on.
    1 point
  5. SB, Re-read my prior postings, Norseman, Beg to differ, IMO, he is neither safety conscious nor any form of a leader.
    1 point
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