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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/22/2017 in all areas

  1. ^^^^ Well, yes. Looking at your first two statements, I would say they are different from humans BECAUSE they don't need the tools thus natural selection favors something else rather than tool creation. Looking at them, so similar, has made me re-question my assumptions about what makes us who we are. It's enlightening. Uncomfortable sometimes. We're not exactly wrong but not exactly right either, we gloss over things that need examination. They really are the mirror we can see ourselves in if we dare to look. I see lots of people working pretty hard not to look that closely. MIB
    4 points
  2. I read somewhere that they do not like citrusy fruit such as oranges. They love apples and we saw one hanging out in our peach grove though not in season.
    1 point
  3. I concur that they are reasonably sentient, though different from humans. Their physical capabilities obviate the need for many tools and eliminate necessity - as in "necessity is the mother of invention". That said, they are hominids and share many basic behaviors; including social, stalking, hunting, foraging, etc. with us. When confronted with humans engaged in behaviors we share on the interspecies behavioral Venn diagram, they seem to understand quite clearly what we are about.
    1 point
  4. I didn't. I should have measured instead of eyeballing it. I should have straightened it out. Should have photographed it. Should have torn into it with a stick rather than just doing an external examination. What can I say, it was a weird day.
    1 point
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