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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/30/2017 in all areas

  1. Or, maybe get an actual C O M P U T E R. Tapping around on tiny screens is great but, a mouse, a keyboard and a big screen is where it's at! 8 )~
    2 points
  2. If you had FLIR video in those events you would have been here arguing that it was not a human, because of the inherent low resolution of IR images. While you would have had full confidence what you encountered was authentic at the time, you cannot begin to prove anything with IR images. The image quality is so poor that even comparison of image size is not very compelling. Every IR image I have seen presented gets immediate blow back from the stable of skeptics who will not even accept the P/G film. which is orders of magnitude better than IR. Other than just knowing something is out there, I find it hard to justify spending a lot on IR equipment. Certainly the cost of the best image quality gear is way up there and out of the reach of most of us. The drones with strong visible lights certainly are capable of good quality images. But BF is going to duck and hide with that kind of light at night. It might even damage their eyes if they are as light sensitive as I think they are. On the other hand, UV lights can be virtually invisible to the human eye, and UV cameras are as capable of high resolution images as they are with visible light. Perhaps a drone with UV lights might be more acceptable to a prowling BF, if they are blind to UV like we are. Certainy any images captured would be capable of being very high resolution.
    1 point
  3. Switched from Android to Apple 3 years ago and never looked back, love my iphone and ipad. The actual computer has to stay home while I'm at work and even when I am home I more often find myself using the phone cause it's right by my side always. It may also be a little because its the closest thing I have to a Star Trek tricorder !
    1 point
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