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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/11/2017 in all areas

  1. I had no idea wolves were in Clark County WA until a couple of years ago. I knew wolf packs had been working their way West from Eastern WA. I went down a trail in my research along a creek where I had seen coyotes playing the time before. I came back out the same muddy trail, and was started to see a very large prints in the mud that had not been there before when I went in. It had followed me for quite a while before leaving the trail. Photographed it and compared it to my tracks and scat book. Definitely wolf rather than dog. The pads in the back of the paw are different. Was a big one but was alone. I contacted the DNR and sent them the picture. Found out the wolf had been sighted before in the same area the week previous. Based on several sighting reports it looked to me like the DNR was trying to avoid people knowing that they are out there. Attacks on humans are very rare but they wreak havoc with livestock herds. That is why they were nearly killed off 100 years ago. I suspect it just watched as I went past. I think the packs might have a different dynamic when they are in a pack rather than a solitary wolf. Some dude close shot one he said was attacking him in a pack. The animal rights people wanted him arrested. But he contacted DNR and told them what happened. If he had killed it for sport he would not have contacted DNR. But since the wolf appeared to have been shot in the side the animal rights people wanted him arrested. It would never occur to some of those morons that if attacked, his first shots might have missed and the wolf turned away at the last second because of the gunshots and got shot in the side. It is a strange world where human life is less important than everything else.
    1 point
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