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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/20/2017 in all areas

  1. I have published this photograph previously on the forum so it is already out there. I have to correct my stated length. I should have referred to my field notes. This is the footprint in the mud I referred to in the previous post. . I got this print length mixed up with another larger find. This one, is not the largest I have found. It is only 15 inches long and 5.25 inches wide but that requires a human with a size 23 which are not real common. But one could argue that some NBA player bigger than Shack wanted to wade in the mud. There are only a few of those humans around. The tape is opened to about 7 and 3/4 inches. Hard to see unless you blow it up. Since then I carry a cloth tape that photographs better. The smaller footprint above and to left is interesting. It is 8.25 long and 3 inches wide. As with the bigger print, the middle toes extend out further than the big toe. With most humans, the big toe, is the longest part of the front foot. So the foot morphology suggests non human or certainly human deviant. Human or not, since both feet exhibit the same toe morphology, could it be that the two were related? Adult and juvenile? I got that impression at the the time since somehow the smaller print did not repeat even though they should have been evident on the mud flat beyond this print. It was as if the adult BF helped the juvenile through the muddy area somehow. It was pretty goopy. There had been a thunderstorm at 2 AM the morning I found the prints.
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