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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/22/2017 in all areas

  1. There will be those who do not believe the scientists who finally get one on the lab table. Some skeptics have way to much invested in disbelief to accept existence. Same sort who want science to validate existence but claim Meldrum is wrong about footprints now. But it does not help to have some proponents who claim some pretty remarkable things. I have yet to run into a portal in the woods. But to me that is a good thing.
    1 point
  2. Right. Likewise "ish". If there is another scientifically viable explanation for what I've seen, I want to know what it is. I'm not talking about, nor accepting of, the sort of insulting, scoffing dismissal I get from the likes of dmaker or Squatchy, but something that truly fits. In the end, it's not about consensus, it's not about having anyone else believe me, it's internal. It's not a game. If I did not truly see what I saw, then I need to go have myself locked up. "Period." MIB
    1 point
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