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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/23/2017 in all areas

  1. There is an amount of distortion to tracks at times but you won't have enough distortion to account for the growth of the track yet retain fine detail. The tracks I referred to earlier were made in dry dust over a fairly firm base. There's no mud. There's no sliding, no smearing. Obviously no melting of snow. So how do you account for tracks that are 3 inches longer than the longest "toe shoes" available at the time yet retain massive fine detail which is visible in the photographs I took? Its not quite to dermal ridge level of detail but the creases at the toe joints were clear and crisp. In this case, distortion of tracks? <<LAUGHABLE.>> Not merely laughable but so clear it makes the person suggesting distortion look like an absolute imbecile. MIB
    1 point
  2. Same pictures. The experts I have spoken with said unshod feet would be spread apart more . In the case of the of footprint casts I have seen or pictures of it looks more like they have been wearing shoes , The Patterson film is one of those. As you know I am a big fan of the film. I agree with what you said about injuries and abnormalities. It is my personal non expert opinion most if not all footprints of the mythical beasts are faked. I was once very intrigued by the crippled Bossberg tracks . Not anymore . I think they were faked by Ivan Marx.
    1 point
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