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  1. I would say "neither." If the yowie is real, it is not bigfoot. Similar, perhaps, but not same. No more than almasty or yeren. The similarity without sameness is suggestive of biological reality. Sameness would not be IF you understand evolutionary biology. There is no testable evidence for any sort of dematerialization of any sort, never mind rematerialiation, never mind preserving organization of structure and life through the process. Suggestions of similar processes shows lack of understanding of those processes, it amounts to word salad. If yowie is real, likely they arrived in a manner similar to human arrival: over water in the geologically recent past when the sea levels were lowered by glacial ice on land. Or aliens transported them. Even that, ridiculous as it sounds, is far less "out there" and far more scientifically supportable than your suggestions. MIB
    2 points
  2. If a bear or BF is down on all 4s then it could be difficult to differentiate the two with visual restrictions or seeing either from the rear. Most sighting reports go as MIB mentions. The observer sees something, assumes it is a bear, until the bear gets up and strides off like a human on two legs and unlike a bear. Human recognition is pretty well researched. We see an animal, our brains flip through all of our mental images of what we have seen in life and in pictures, comparing the image of what we are seeing with our eyes with our mental experience and memories, then pick the most likely thing we are seeing from our memory banks. It is the the human fight or flight mental process at work. Most North Americans have either seen a bear someplace or at least seen pictures of bears. When the bear does something very non-bear like, our brains are initially confused, then reevaluate what we are likely seeing. Some of us might see Patty, and the skeptics among us would see a dude in a costume until something clues them that could not be a costume. A 9 foot male BF would be one such a clue. .
    1 point
  3. Agreed. Mindsquatch, you may have some interest in the threads in the paranormal section of the forums.
    1 point
  4. Sorry to hear about Dr Bindernagle. He was gonna help us with the blog periodically, but it never happened due to his condition.
    1 point
  5. Incorrect. Square miles or yards or feet refer to the result of Length x Width. Correct.
    1 point
  6. Thank you. I am very sorry to hear that. I read one of his books and enjoy his videos.
    1 point
  7. Thank-you for sharing the very unfortunate news, Pat. Dr. Bindernagel has always impressed me as a good Scientist and a very thoughtful person. I'm sending prayers and hoping for the best.
    1 point
  8. Very sorry to hear this news. Dr. Bindernagel's lifetime professional dedication to research in this field stands as both a brilliant legacy and hopefully an example to young scientists beginning their careers. My prayers go out to he and his family.
    1 point
  9. Thanks for the notice, Pat. I wish it were better news and I will continue to pray for him.
    1 point
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