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  1. Per 2017 Chapman University survey, about 16% of Americans believe in reality of Bigfoot creature (see link below). Number appears high given that nobody in my family, coworkers, college friends, neighbors, backpacking friends, etc. believe in such. I was in such camp until I had my sighting. Also surprising is that BF belief ranks way below belief that Atlantis existed (a claim with no physical evidence based on ancient stories). Not surprising that belief in aliens visiting earth is above BF belief, given that the US Air Force investigated UFOs for years (1947-1969) and took it seriously. https://blogs.chapman.edu/wilkinson/2017/10/11/paranormal-america-2017/ I don't know how accurate or statistically significant is this survey. Thus, I am not sure if it truly represents American beliefs.
    1 point
  2. You seem to have quite a bit of knowledge about them. Have you been abducted and anal probed?
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. The largest part of my fascination with this subject is related to the almost willful failure of otherwise reasonable and rational people to accept what their senses are telling them. I think this explains the low % of people who are willing to go on record as accepting the idea of BF. After all, what threat is it to you to believe that Atlantis was real? It is also significantly easier to accept there are "others" in the cosmos than the idea they might actually be living in the woods outside of your town. The reactionary position taken by many skeptics and the menu of pat thoughtstoppers they employ is coming from a very primitive place in the human psyche. It is a tender spot that doesn't play well with challenges to its closely held beliefs. I have to tell you, it took me years of study and thought to reorient my opinion of my place in the world in light of the information I could not deny existing, and it was at times very, very disconcerting to my equilibrium given my lifetime of outdoor activities up to that point. And I had the will to do it, only because I have always wanted to face the world on real terms, not ones I wished to be true. If you don't have that pre-disposition? You are almost certainly going to prefer to be in the other 84 %, clapping your hands over your ears while chanting "Na...Na...Na...Na..."
    1 point
  5. I would say outta all of them? Bigfoot should be one of the easier mysteries to verify.... Looking for things on the ocean floor is problematic. Although they have found sunken civilizations in the Med and in the Indian ocean. How do you verify that any of them are Atlantis? Or that they posessed modern technology? Ghosts? I watch Ghost hunters on TV occasionally and some of their evidence is compelling. Video and audio stuff thats creepy. But how can it ever be conclusive? Your not collecting a hair or scat sample.... Past or present aliens? Forget it. If real and present? The human researcher is the one most likely to be probed and studied..... not the other way around. Fortune tellers and telekinesis stuff has been thoroughly debunked by people like James Randi and other magicians turned skeptics. Caveat Emptor.
    1 point
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