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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/2018 in all areas

  1. In Bigfoot Tony's video analysis, he correctly identifies the subjects stride, steps, and movement as human like. In his slow motion, the subjects feet cannot be eliminated as being simply boots covered with a suit, since the bottoms are black, have a significant depth over the front of the foot, and there is no obvious mid tarsal flexibility or tow flexibility. Patty's foot soles in the P-G film were white and had considerable flexibility in the toes that were viewable. Kathy Strain's sighting claimed a super human speed as several Bigfoot climbed a steep hill. There is nothing super human about the speed of the subject as Bigfoot Tony points out. Furthermore, the subject slows to a complete walk, after climbing the several steps up the slope, because he appears to weigh the recovery from his exhaustion as more important than the preservation of his life from two potential gun toting humans at can't miss range of about 15 yards. There are two people at the camera as one unwinded person talks over the top of Todd's huffing and puffing. Why was that person unwinded, when Todd was quite winded? It would appear that the director in Todd saw it appropriate to prepare himself for the cameraman role by doing some pushups, prior to filming the short sequence. All considered, a human cannot be ruled out as the subject on the ledge.
    1 point
  2. Biggest load of nonsense I have watched on Netflix to date.
    1 point
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