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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/02/2018 in all areas

  1. Seems like you are very interested in a male foot mold made of latex. More interested, by your line of questioning, than saving a footprint find in plaster which saves a footprint find perfectly for study. Plaster casts are well accepted by science in all manner of footprint and fossil preservation. I can only think of a couple of uses of a male latex mold. Another word for a male latex foot mold is a latex prosthetic foot. Since I doubt that you want to help a footless bigfoot, it seems you want to create a latex prosthetic foot for some other purpose. A prosthetic foot is most commonly used for hoaxing. Either way, you are on your own at this point because I am suspicious of your intentions. And as an aside, if you show up in a month or two on the forum with footprint or track way pictures, I doubt anyone would believe them at this point. The forum rules are very harsh on hoaxers and that is a quick trip to being permanently banned.
    2 points
  2. He may have had valid experiences with BF but the problem is capturing actual evidence to prove anything. In the absence of valid evidence people become obsessed and then desperate. In Todd's case he is very desperate and more than a little obsessed. The pattern is to get into hoaxing to try and recreate a facsimile of what a person believed they witnessed. It's an imperfect area of study. Though in a documentary wrap-up I would expect more than a loon dressed in camouflage acting out a sequence of what they claim to have done and witnessed. Either you can demonstrate how you obtained evidence or you can't.
    1 point
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