The topic of this thread has been hashed out before. Even if there is not a government conspiracy or cover up, when it becomes known that you have a bigfoot, at some point some state or federal agency will decide it needs the body worse than you do. DNR, USFS, being on the benign end and if cover up exists, could be military or intelligence assets, on the sinister end. It will simply be confiscated because in the government's way of looking at things, it will have more right to have the body than you do. . You cannot rule out other BF researchers taking it away from you too if it means fame and fortune for them. I agree with MIB. Your plans should be detailed, and cover every detail from field collection to delivery to a team of scientists someplace. But blabbing about plans here or communication over the internet is just going to make it easier for someone to know what your plans are and increases the potential for confiscation. Getting a male BF into a vehicle and transporting it is not going to be easy. 800 to 900 lbs and 8 or 9 foot of limp dead weight critter is difficult to move. A human like foot hanging out of from under a tarp in the back of your truck is going to get law enforcement attention. A 200 lb dead human is difficult enough to lift when recently dead because they are very limp. Hoisted a few so I know. When rigor sets in and they stiffen it gets easier to move. Multiply the difficulty by a factor of 4 and you get the idea how it would be with BF. You have to refrigerate or ice a body. Problems like this at every step of the way.
I discussed this topic with Meldrum one day. Even he admits that confiscation is likely. We joked about secret codes and bringing in "the package". If the legendary cover up exists, you can be sure he is being monitored if anyone is. Lets say I discovered a BF body in Washington State and took it to Meldrum in Idaho. I am more likely to violate some sort of state law or federal law by transporting it out of state than if I find someone inside the State of Washington to examine it. If BF is some sort of hybrid or unknown humanoid, then you have all the laws related to killing or transporting a dead human involved with this. The discoverer of the TRrex fossil Sue did 2 years in federal prison because of violation of federal law. The fossil was on federal land. I would recommend that if you are an active researcher in a particular state then find a receptive University scientist in your state. Discuss this topic and grease the skids should you find something. Lab examination under the auspices of a State University scientist might be the best way to protect it. Should it be a skeleton or fossil then leaving it in place might be a very good idea. Take them to it. The more people with credentials that see it the less likely it is just to diappear over night. Quite frankly if I ever find anything, I hope it is a skeleton or fossil. A body is just big trouble from beginning to end.