Interesting comments Hiflier, they help me clarify my views on this.
Well, as I've said, there are multitudes of outcomes possible here, limited only by our willingness to entertain them. Here's one more hypothetical:
Disclaimer Required by CA Code Section, etc...... The granting of a business license to the entity known as Okey Dokey Sasquatch Tours LLC by the State of California is ONLY for the purpose of regulating the health and safety of its agents, employees and customers and to better assure compliance with all applicable state and federal laws and regulations. The issuance of this license does in no way constitute an endorsement or affirmation by the State of Californai as to the existence of the putative animal commonly described as a "Sasquatch", or "Bigfoot" . The State of California takes no position as to the actual existence, or non-existence of this animal, but in so licensing Okey Dokey Sasquatch Tours Inc, the State grants it an authorization to charge fees for purposes of guiding its customers to locations to attempt to see or otherwise make contact with a Sasquatch, should the species actually exist.
The Petitioner better be able to explain why such a Disclaimer, if required, would not cure her predicament just as well as the state declaring Sasquatch as real.