No, you have people here who claim to have seen IT. You proponents just cannot wrap your head around the idea that a claim is not a fact.
Don't you ever tire of the talk, talk, talk, talk, talk? That's all there ever is. Just talk. The evidentiary bar has not been raised in decades. Every serious attempt to do so, such as DNA analysis, fails miserably to support the bigfoot claim. It's just a steady march of stories, blobsquatches and hoaxes. And, of course, more talk.
Don't you ever stop to think that if this animal existed, in the way it is reported, that there would be more than hoaxes, blurry photos and supposition by now? Discussing bigfoot's super human abilities or it's intelligence or it's range, etc seems so much horse before the cart when we can't even get a single scientifically verified piece of evidence that the creature even exists.
Talk, talk, talk until you're all blue in the face. Not gonna make the creature real.
Rock, you are deliberately presenting that quote without any context. I said that while discussing that a costume is meant to disguise a human. Therefore Patty looks no more human than the person in the Barney costume. It was not meant as a pro-PGF comment and you know it. That you persist in trotting that quote around for years now as if it was cleverest thing you have ever thought of says a lot about your history of clever thoughts. And also quite a bit about your intellectual honesty.