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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/17/2018 in all areas

  1. dmaker is just bein' his typical scoftic self. I don't understand why its unbelievable for some, that a primate as described by witnesses wouldn't be capable of extraordinary feats of strength or speed ? A primate like a gorilla far exceeds our strength, would seem logical a primate like sasquatch bein' even larger than a gorilla would be capable of the extraordinary feats described. Does not matter what one presents, he can't/won't believe it...it's evident an he's made it repeatedly clear over an over. I honestly do not understand how someone who doesn't believe in bigfoot, pleads with people on a bigfoot forums to "Stop wasting your life on something that does not exist." yet continues to do just that. haha !
    3 points
  2. I wonder why someone can say "there is very little human looking about Patty", then turn around and say it's just a human in a suit. Then you must be blind. Not all of us feel like it is our personal life mission to discount everything said pro-bigfoot. All high-flier is doing is listing all the "super human" aspects people have reported. I see no reason to address them. Some I'm sure BF would be capable of if it does exist in the manner some say. Some are just woo. I don't really care.
    2 points
  3. Lean that way? We have lots of people here that have seen IT. You skeptics just cannot wrap yer head around that. So what should we be discussing in Hiflier’s thread here Dmaker? Is it unlogical that a undocumented primate weighing 600-800 lbs MAY be stronger than a human? Where would you like to steer the conversation? I mean from my perspective looking at skeptics? There would be no conversation about any of this..... And yet you guys just keep hanging out and beating a dead horse. You think Bigfoot is fantasy......we get it, truly we do. And that is entirely your prerogative! It’s even the position of mainstream science! Bully fer you guys! I’m just utterly confused by your expectations of proponents. We talk about Bigfoot and reports and supposed traits. We talk about charlatans and debate DNA studies. We talk about field gear and expeditions into the mountains. Some of us even talk about forest shaman Bigfoot, ESP, Shape shifters and Alien cloned Bigfoot. I don’t participate in the paranormal section mostly, because I think it’s horse manure. And just so you don’t think your alone I don’t put much stock in most reports either. But I’m not going to beat somebody up about it either. Bigfoot is a possibility in my mind no matter how slim. But over the many years I would think I would have bumped something out there with my own eyes. My rifle rides in the scabbard as a insurance policy.
    2 points
  4. They ARE deliberate jabs and are uncalled for. Whether or not I have an 'issue' with Rockape's admission is only to keep going with your methods of distraction. PLEASE, DMAKER, how many times do I have to ask you to stop? It's not about 'thick skin' as much as you would like it to somehow be. It's about your persistent distracting from the subject of this thread. Because the GF is the public Forum I'm actually being rather civil about it. What is your agenda with doing that? Now, for the fourth or fifth time, will you allow the topic here to continue without further disruption by you?
    1 point
  5. No, you have people here who claim to have seen IT. You proponents just cannot wrap your head around the idea that a claim is not a fact. Don't you ever tire of the talk, talk, talk, talk, talk? That's all there ever is. Just talk. The evidentiary bar has not been raised in decades. Every serious attempt to do so, such as DNA analysis, fails miserably to support the bigfoot claim. It's just a steady march of stories, blobsquatches and hoaxes. And, of course, more talk. Don't you ever stop to think that if this animal existed, in the way it is reported, that there would be more than hoaxes, blurry photos and supposition by now? Discussing bigfoot's super human abilities or it's intelligence or it's range, etc seems so much horse before the cart when we can't even get a single scientifically verified piece of evidence that the creature even exists. Talk, talk, talk until you're all blue in the face. Not gonna make the creature real. Rock, you are deliberately presenting that quote without any context. I said that while discussing that a costume is meant to disguise a human. Therefore Patty looks no more human than the person in the Barney costume. It was not meant as a pro-PGF comment and you know it. That you persist in trotting that quote around for years now as if it was cleverest thing you have ever thought of says a lot about your history of clever thoughts. And also quite a bit about your intellectual honesty.
    1 point
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