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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/03/2018 in all areas

  1. Homo Naledi males are assumed to have been around five feet tall and 100 pounds. And the passage narrows at points to 7-8 inches wide. I have to believe that if anyone was intentionally laid to rest there, they were taken in pieces.
    1 point
  2. Would that not be an even stronger testament to their humanity?
    1 point
  3. The classic German Flecktarn is actually quite effective in darker areas and twilight. Back in about '05, my son got me into airsoft skirmishing with some of his buddies. I had a nineties vintage Flecktarn tanker coverall I wore the first evening. We were on some farm acerage in the Helena Valley and I went prone between a small tractor and garden trailer as a rear guard for my team. It was about 2100 on a June evening and still fairly light. My son circled back to collect me once the team was positioned, but not knowing exactly where I was, he came up behind and literally stepped on my back. Not sure which of us was more surprised, but his 19 year old reflexes kept him upright and my back actually felt better than before!
    1 point
  4. At least with human endocannibalism, the bones are burned, buried, or kept as souvenirs. What makes endocannibalism a somewhat attractive hypothesis to me vis a vis Sasquatch, is that it would be a lot easier to bury a bare, disarticulated skeleton than it would be to bury a 9 foot, 700 pound body. Imagine trying to bury a cow or a horse without hand tools, much less without a backhoe. Of course, one can pile rocks or debris over a body and bury it, but that leaves quite a landmark to be discovered by humans. And the problem I find with cave entombment of Sasquatch remains, is that practically every cavern that is big enough to drag a full size Sasquatch into has been well traveled by man with no Sasquatch remains to show for it. In the end, it's all conjecture that tries to explain a lack of remains. Burial, with or without endocannibalism, is a rational hypothesis.
    1 point
  5. Yah..... Im sure with that ludicris brow ridge the rest of him was downright diminutive....... Im sure you could have walked right up to him and pat him on the head.
    1 point
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