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  1. And seems to have a great time doing it!
    1 point
  2. @Airdale, well posted. I'm a fan of Mr. Gates. He provides some good, useful material.
    1 point
  3. The Finding Bigfoot team had some good people working with them, old "squatching" friends to give more input than just the team. Wish they had used more of that format for the show in the past. As usual, they heard "convincing" howls, and had an optimistic outlook. But they sure have mellowed! it was great to see Bill Munns in the flesh, after hearing so much about him. His improvement in the PGF frame of Patty looking back was great! Personnally I hope public interest in bigfoot doesn't wane, but only if it leads to diligent and respectful study. I'll be joining Airdale and a lot of others watching Destination Truth. But it doesn't satisfy me totally, because I want to really know the truth.
    1 point
  4. The Travel Channel show "Destination Truth" with Josh Gates covers a number of cryptids world wide. They seem to take a pretty aggressive approach and get some interesting results. In their Yeti episode, they cast a track that Jeff Meldrum thinks is likely authentic. He brings a quirky sense of humor to the show that I enjoy and does some flat out crazy things to search out answers.
    1 point
  5. To go out in the field with your dog as a team and not understand why your team member is acting weird and see these video now makes sense. Sitting in that stand and looking down and see nothing and yet hear this loud breathing and know that yes it is these creatures is over whelming. And to see your dog stay close to your side as you are walking down a well known trail and hear the forest just go silent is even more strange. From what we are seeing now is now making more sense to what I have been encountering and to the evidence that has been found makes it even more profound. As much as people want to hold back on the WoW it should be talked about it more. The more open the better understanding we will gain about what we are dealing with. How many hunters are out hunting them and not yet one has been brought in. The military must have knowledge of them and a need to know must be placed on them. If we can roam these woods and walk right by them with out even seeing them then do you not think that they would not be of great interest to Darpa.IMHO. They would be like a giant gold fine and would be worth a lot. In order to do what they are doing which is bending light as well displacing heat with cold. This makes a great tool for any army . The things that took placed with myself and my son and my friend seemed like we were being studied, like it was a project. And it almost seems like most researchers are projects for them as well to see how they react. Maybe I am wrong but I am throwing it out there. I really have nothing to loose. What are they going to take away my birthday.I.D.K.A.D.N.C.
    1 point
  6. I have to admit I find this one pretty compelling. (Relevant section begins around 13:07, just in case the time stamp didn't work) At what point do topics relegated to the Paranormal board become tolerable in the general discussion? Things like zapping and eye glow are fair game, right? It seems to me that's for two reasons: 1) They're commonly observed or experienced; 2) We can devise plausible mechanisms of explanation - infrasound in the case of the former, tapetum lucidem for the latter (And for the record, I highly doubt the latter explanation, having experienced it at length recently - it is definitely glow, not shine. And I don't think we should have much confidence in the infrasound explanation either). I think as this field continues to gain traction, people are becoming more comfortable with sharing their observations and experiences regardless of whether we can come up with plausible explanations. We can decide to chuck the observations we can't explain in the bin, but for me, at a certain level of consistency and commonality, that becomes an irresponsible approach. Also, it does seem possible we're not dealing with "just" sasquatch, but it also seems increasingly clear that sasquatch themselves are not "just" apes or even "just" relict hominids.
    1 point
  7. I think it is wise to consider the possibility of two or more kinds of entities ... regardless. I'm a "synthesizer" ... I take pieces and assemble them, connect dots, etc. It's how my brain works. One of the things I've learned to be wary of is not to connect dots that don't belong together. That applies here. Trying to assemble all information as if it comes from a single source may cause us to badly mislead ourselves. The trick is finding exactly the right amount of connectedness .. with no road map for doing so. It can be very hard to let go of ideas, of assumptions of connectedness, even when we logically discover they are not real connections. I had one experience ... of sounds coming from seemingly empty space at a distance of about 15 feet. There's another thread about sasquatch throwing their voices. It has to be considered in the context of that experience. The options available are very limited. Cloaking or voice-throwing, one of the two. Since voice-throwing is a known "magic trick" done by a sort of sleight of hand, I'd rather focus on that angle over something truly paranormal, at least 'til the particulars of a situation make that choice irrational. IMHO one of the things we have to do is remember the KISS principle ... aka Occam's Razor ... the simplest explanation is the most likely . (However, we must also remember the simplest explanation is not the only possible explanation ... over-applying the KISS principle / Occam's Razor can be as wrong as under-applying it.) MIB
    1 point
  8. Thanks highflier great stuff!! That's how subtle and fast these subjects can be which poses a great advantage over us. Very early in my field research, I was standing in the woods beside a cabin. Myself and another could hear the heavy crunch, crunch of leaves about 30 feet away from us. We could see between the trees which were dimly back lit by a distant porch light, but could not see any figure making the bipedal noise and could easily follow its progress quartering away from us. I thought the other person who bolted for the cabin door was getting a camera until I heard the door lock. I was completely on my own LOL!!! It is refreshing to me that others have obtained and documented similar abnormalities during their field research endeavors!
    1 point
  9. Wow! I've always been a bit dismissive of the whole cloaking concept, but it looks like I need to reconsider that.
    1 point
  10. If you spray it on your self prior to the attack? It adds seasoning for the Bear or Cougar like Johnnys!
    1 point
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