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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/13/2018 in all areas

  1. MIB hit a good point. It takes a human and a sasquatch for a sighting. The graphs reflect more to human times of activity thru the seasons and our patterns of activity during the hours of the day. You would have to have some mechanical device to count sasquatch movement during the hours to rule out the patterning of human activity.
    1 point
  2. Think a step deeper: look not just at the activity, but what people engaged in that activity do and at what times of day. Those appear more reflective of the times of activity of humans engaged in each activity than they necessarily do bigfoot behaviors, at least based on how people HERE behave when engaging in each of those activities. My take-away is that we need to spend more time out in the woods or on the water doing our recreational activities, ready to take advantage of an encounter, but not specifically looking for one. MIB
    1 point
  3. Redbone. I added a time of day chart to the SSR to make this easier. It doesn't plot 6pm (18:00) because it is the default (as you noted). All charts below are for CA, OR and WA. All Year Spring Summer Fall Winter We have the data. There are 6500+ manually curated reports in the SSR database. (see above)
    1 point
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