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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/19/2018 in all areas

  1. Bobbie Short, curator of the immensely popular Bigfoot Encounters website, witness, and decades long Bigfoot researcher drafted an important book, The de facto Sasquatch, before her sudden passing in 2013. The title was taken, by permission from a lecture by the late Ph.D. wildlife biologist Dr. John Bindernagel. Family members Chris Millet and Reverend Kimberely Brittan enabled the draft to be completed in installments. The first installment concerns Native American history; and, military reports. The editor and prime mover of Bobbie's book is Molly Hart-Lebherz. Molly is assisted by: Sharon Day, Steve Summar, M.K. Davis, Sybilla Irwin, Don Monroe, and others. Contributing artists are: RobRoy Menzies, Alex Evans, and David Claerr. The first installment is available through Bigfootencounters.com or directly via: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/596c0bae4c0dbfa1d26e86be/t/5b9bff06562fa7cfcdf1bfc8/1536950038606/The+de+facto+Sasquatch+premier+installment.pdf .
    1 point
  2. I like woodland camo patterns. I wear US Army BDUs in the field, and mix those up with Cabelas ligh5 fleece in woodland camo. My chest waders have a duck hunting pattern.......don’t know how else to describe it. Seems s like when one gets done with acquiring clothing, daypacks, gear in cases and stuff bags, tents, etc, you’ll end up with numerous patterns. In all honesty, I think the pattern isn’t as important as the color matching the surrounding colors as best as possible, and movement (or the lack thereof) is many times more important than color or camo.
    1 point
  3. Not required in BC, Canada. I have a reversible vest that's camo on one side and blaze orange on the other, that I will often wear orange side out while moving in a hunting area, then reverse while I'm on a stand or blind.
    1 point
  4. I have a thought that will probably drive you crazy. While I lug around gear with similar photographic interests, I have found that more interactions happen with BF when the gear I have is not evident. My logic is that either human tech gear is so alien, strange and scary to BF that just the sight of it makes BF leary. Or that they understand what cameras do and avoid it for that reason. I firmly believe that if we present ourself closer to their level without gadgets evident, we are more likely to have them get close enough to get a look at them. If your camp looks like some ad in Cabellas, I don't think they will come anywhere near it. Your organized storage containers certainly are impressive.
    1 point
  5. norseman Wishin' ya the best with the neck surgery, hopefully it also gets rid of the vertigo.
    1 point
  6. Indeed, Indiana has a ton of cover center state to the southern border, and as noted by Bipedalist especially in the south. It has roughly half the population of either Illinois or Ohio. I live in western Indiana and I suspect Indiana overall is an under reported area in terms of fewer people to see them, less of a reporting culture, and especially compared to Illinois much more cover.
    1 point
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