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  1. I suspect that’s your sasquatch habitat map, and the purple areas are small enough to put you onto good hunting ground. Have you ever married that precipitation map to a SSR report map? LOL........I’m not sure what your line of work is, but I eventually went with DoD civilian, and during that era, it was definitely the right decision, primarily because I was still under the old CSRS retirement system. Admittedly, government contract work has been the best deal since the Gulf War of 1991. But those contractors call us contract managers “bastards”.......lol........ Along with a whole bunch of other restrictions, including legal. Witness the political and legal storms involving intelligence contractors, from Snowden to Fusion GPS. Pay them enough money, and provide yourself enough wiggle room to escape criminal liability, and you can do anything. Precisely. That fact, coupled with the blind ideological/religious stupidity of the environmental rank and file, as well as the blind ideological/religious and racial stupidity of the indigenous zealots, and it perfectly explains the conspicuous silence of government with regard to sasquatchery. As long as they can keep this issue out of the hands of the lawyers, the better it is for them as well as for you, me, and the hobo on the street corner. This is a war of species, and sasquatches and lawyers are both aliens who represent a threat to the rest of us.
    2 points
  2. Truthfully, most military bases (not in combat zones) are not particularly secure and I could easily get in or out unnoticed. Heck, even in a combat zone I could. I was stationed just south of the DMZ in Korea for a time and it was quite easy for us to slip in and out past curfew when we wanted to even after a night downing kettles of soju. Now, if BF wants to try and slip into a post in the sandbox...he ain’t gonna make it. That is ridiculous to point out because BF is not in the Middle East to my knowledge. I am kinda split on the military interests. There is nothing BF can do that a human can’t as far as stealth (with technology). There is nothing BF can do that other animals can’t as well. If I wanted ultra stealth at night, then I would transmorph myself into a panther...or better yet an owl. Super strength? Okay so we are going to start engineering people/BF hybrids? Why? I am reminded of this meme:
    2 points
  3. Just got done reading this book. Its an amazing account of survival in the most extreme circumstances. And something strange they encounter. https://www.amazon.com/Long-Walk-True-Story-Freedom/dp/149302261X/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1540571957&sr=8-2&keywords=The+long+walk&dpID=51CUfy8StiL&preST=_SY291_BO1,204,203,200_QL40_&dpSrc=srch *spoiler alert* Basically its about a Polish Cavalry officer that is imprisoned by the Soviets during WW2. He is sentenced to 25 years hard labor in a gulag in Siberia. Just getting to the camp many perish, the camp is a logging camp on the Lena river. He escapes with several others and they head due south through the tiaga, then the Gobi and finally the Himalayas. They encounter two creatures in the Himalayas. And the encounter is not fleeting.
    1 point
  4. Just discovered without my knowledge my cell phone data and pictures were being saved to the cloud. I did not set that up. Some update turned on that feature. I would not have known except the greedy bastards said my cloud was getting full and wanted to know if I wanted to buy more storage room. Like any camera, if you make exposures long enough in a cell phone camera you can get exposures in low light. But long exposure images are no good for photographing something that moves. Movement of the camera during exposure becomes a problem too. FIrst of all the light gathering qualities of cell cameras are extremely limited by the tiny lenses. You can provide souped up digital arrays and long exposures to compensate but with night photography bigger lens is better. Extrapolate that explains why giant telescopes are used to gather images of faint galaxies
    1 point
  5. LOL.....you got it bro! It just shows you this phenom has been around a long time. That 'Wild Woman' was a Circus worker, was well known......and believe she was married & had kids, those have gotta be some wild nights, literally:)
    1 point
  6. Hold My Beer... I'll have that for you shortly Edit to add image... It's not a perfect alignment but pretty close for something that got minimal effort.
    1 point
  7. Nope. Do not trust Google and what they will do with all of that cell phone data. Looking for less of them in my life, not more.
    1 point
  8. When people report “black helicopters” in BF related activities, keep in mind that there are several very well funded private security firms out there (read mercenaries) that are staffed with ex-special forces and black ops. I have a cousin that went this route (I regret not doing that because he makes twice what I do tax free and works 2 months on, one month off...bastard). Black helicopters flying into into a lumber zone and dealing with a pesky BF harassing the loggers? Probably a team of ex-delta, navy seals or <insert super secret> Ninjas working for Acadmi (formerly Blackwater) hired by the lumber company to deal with the nuisance quietly. Private security firms also help the government circumvent certain restrictions of direct military action on US soil. If BF is indigenous and a self aware human like animal...guess what? They could be considered an American with constitutional rights. I don’t know why the graphics were left off this photo. Reposted.
    1 point
  9. And it failed right? And I never understood the premise anyhow. Your crossing a human with a chimp....to gain what exactly? The invention of the rifle negates the need for super strength. And humans are hard enough to control in lawless combat conditions, let alone a giant mob of ape men, who would indulge every conceivable primitive impulse that entered their brain. The enemy could just airdrop pallets of bananas into your combat formations and watch as they destroyed themselves competing for the right to be first up to bat.
    1 point
  10. If you can get DNA from water sample off a creeks this will be a great avenue for searching an area of a known creature. If I had a couple thousand I could of send him sample's of DNA where I know that these creatures have drank water from. Even bathed in when it has been real hot and the skeeters have been a real bother. There have been a few hidden water holes that I have found where tracks have been found.
    1 point
  11. That is exciting news, thank you for posting this. We have a member who has obtained original casts from the cripple foot Bossburg trackway (AtlantiS). I wonder if he would donate one for testing?
    1 point
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