Those are fair criticisms, these guys could perhaps benefit from a little stricter methodology at times. On the other hand, the goal of these field videos is to be immersive and illustrative, and I don't know if spending time measuring a footprint (for example) will translate well. Maybe.
But at any rate, I think the current direction on youtube is extremely positive and productive. I've been meaning to see if I can get a little discussion going on Christopher Noel's recent podcast, which is 5 eps in, The Nearness of You, I'll just link the first ep here: It sort of serves as a weekly intro to various youtubers, with a common thread of sasquatch at the boundaries of human populations.
But it could be better served in the Urban Bigfoot thread, not sure. There's plenty to be said more generally about the current youtube BF community and what they're doing for BF research.
Other favorites are Utah Sasquatch and Colorado Bigfoot.