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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/18/2019 in all areas

  1. I think they were fashioned by the unskilled hand quickly, so not pretty, but make no mistake......they are all brutally effective, which is all that mattered for the maker. I like to handle them thoroughly with each hand, especially the tools, as some just fit better for a left or right hand. Get them in your hand, meditate, and sometimes they will talk to you.....no I'm not crazy (yet:)
    1 point
  2. https://www.bigfootcrossroadsofamerica.com/upcoming-events?fbclid=IwAR0K50rpg496Zf7wKGUoaDx8dQvuzi6wPoHhsaxLG0j7uA5EWiQ74OZLqB0 Looks like there is finally some information available.
    1 point
  3. There is a lot of wisdom in this statement. It's easy to sit at a computer, mocking & calling someone crazy because they try to explain what they know. After you've seen & heard things over & over for years & compared it to what friends & neighbors have see & heard, you realize you're not imagining things. It may not fit into the beliefs of armchair bigfoot researchers, but that doesn't make a single word of it any less true. And, slicktrick, I don't feel that I owe them or the world anything, especially to try to expose them to a world that wants to kill them for "proof".
    1 point
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