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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/11/2019 in all areas

  1. The technology is within our current grasp, and if one can't realize the desirable need to have a viable population living OFF Mother Earth, I probably can't help that person. As Heinlein said, "The Earth is just too small and fragile a basket for the human race to keep all its eggs in."
    2 points
  2. But it was also full of hostile Pawnee, Lakota, Omaha, and Arapaho, not to mention a serious lack of convenience stores to replenish basic supplies. And life is even less forgiving above 40,000'.............not to mention 230K miles away (our own moon). Mars? In 2003, it was at its closest to Earth for the past 60,000 years..........a mere 35 million miles away. Think about that for a while. First, 60K years ago, Neanderthals were running around the glaciers that covered the northern hemisphere. Secondly, timed right, the journey would take a full year at best, and that would only be possible every few years. Otherwise, it's a greater guarantee of a death sentence. Sorry, but as a guy who spent a lifetime in a military/engineering environment, and who worked with guys who wore t-shirts that said, "Why Yes, As a Matter of Fact, I'm a Rocket Scientist", I'm pretty sure that space travel and colonization is science fiction. Militarized space? You bet. We're already there. Space mining? I doubt it........at least for a century or two, but maybe. Colonies of well-to-do-aristocrats toasting NASA with Space Champagne or huddled masses of illegal Honduran immigrants seeking good farmland? Please............
    1 point
  3. I have experienced a government cover up about a known species. Just a day or two ago the local media read a release from the government that the California Condor is going to be introduced into the Columbia River gorge. Well about 8 or 10 years ago I encountered one flying over SW Washington. They are huge and I got a good look at it from about 200 feet higher. It was flying about about 6800 feet. I knew they were recovering and was not really much surprised to see one. A few months later, I went on a wildlife canoe paddle trip organized by a Park Service ranger. She was describing birds of the region and mentioned that California Condors used to be common. I said that is strange I just saw one a few months ago fairly near there. She looked a little started but did not say anything at the time. When we were done she approached me and asked about the bird encounter. I described it and where it happened. She said she was not supposed to divulge it, but they had already been introduced into the Columbia River Gorge. So what happened years ago is now being announced to the public. You can bet they sit on anything they do not want the public to know.
    1 point
  4. Your proving our point! Your 43% sub Saharan African and yet you kill caribou north of 60! Yes! You have adapted, overcame, and changed! Your story is a magnificent testimony to resiliency and adaptability of the human race. When your great grandchildren fly off to Mars and Io and hundreds of other planets and moons? They are gonna need that adaptability and resilience of yours to colonize new places man has never tread. We are already landing robots on Mars. I don’t think we can call it science fiction any longer. Sending humans to Mars is on a short countdown.
    1 point
  5. Great, now you've got me flashing back to the early nineties, pleading, cajoling, begging the ex to occasionally be in the "right mood." Come to think of it, if she didn't shave for a week, could probably pass as a denizen of a Washington state deep forest environment.
    1 point
  6. I agree. Its just finding time to load up and go.
    1 point
  7. I was a believer in what I consider a dangerous myth. The myth being if you just go out and hang around long enough, BF will trust you and eventually reveal itself. The myth continues that eventually you could be hand shaking buddies. One conference speaker claims just that. My experience was completely opposite of that. I think I disrupted their daily life so much that I may have put myself in danger of being simply eliminated as a problem. I might have messed up deer hunts, kept them from water, or any manner of things I was oblivious to doing that bothered them. Things got more unfriendly with each interaction and the last event was being hit with infra-sound. I guess fortunately for me, clear cutting eliminated cover in that area about that time, and they moved off. We should always consider the fact that when we introduce ourself into their world, it might not be good for them. To think otherwise is the height of human arrogance.
    1 point
  8. I have come to believe that the vast majority of humanity wastes most of their free time, free time being that not spent acquiring food and shelter. That includes virtually 100% of "entertainment", especially watching tv. Searching for sasquatch, even if only online, beats the Hell out of watching Laverne & Shirley any day of the week.
    1 point
  9. So far as consistency, I come at this from a biology background. I would look for averages, standard deviations, and large enough sample size for the data to be repeatable. If the data is too divergent, I expect it comes from cries for attention, not actual observation. If it is too consistent, I suspect organized hoax. For me, the bigfoot data .. height, hair color distribution, track distribution, etc .. all point to a biological species, not hoax of either sort. Especially given the prolonged timeline. There are consistencies in behavior as well though those are harder to quantify. I really don't know why more biologists are not seeing this consistency and getting curious enough to take a second look. MIB
    1 point
  10. We may tag Mars, yes. I mean, it has been proven that you can get anyone to attempt just about anything if you offer them enough money. Colonies of content citizens going about their Martian lives over multiple generations? Notgonnahappen. That is an easy prediction to make mainly because the planet is unlikely to contain any food, water or breathable atmosphere. That some consider this to not be a complete deal-breaker is consistent with the theory of Pathological Technologies. This would be the same derangement that convinced an entire country and millions around the world that flying around in large bladders filled with the most combustible elements known is somehow a great idea.
    -1 points
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